Judy's Inn Xiamen

鼓浪嶼内に仮埋葬された澳門路193号は,筆のトンネルに近い。, Siming District, Xiamen, China.地図で表示 >
CNY 594
4.7/5 に基づく547件の口コミ

ddeesa said: Highly recommended travel accommodation, 100 likes for room, breakfast and service. Not much, see figure??

D00237786 said: Good, worthy of recommendation

Niuniuding said: The room booked by colleagues, family travel, satisfied

at883865 said: Good. Very comfortable.

gregmei said: The hotel is very close to neicuowo wharf and 10 minutes away from Longtou road. The room supplies are of good grade, well arranged, soft bed and good sleep. It's good to drink a little wine in the garden in the evening. The guests have a 75% discount.

wangleidi11 said: The overall sanitation of the room is OK, small and fresh style, suitable for couples to travel. Breakfast is good, but it's a little slow. The service was passable. There was a reception at Gulangyu wharf. It's close to the wharf on the other side of Dongdu. It's about ten minutes' walk.

bluenippon said: My favorite style is clean and quiet. I heard that breakfast is good.

jings63 said: According to the experience of my friends last year, this time I chose to visit Xiamen after the festival. When I come to Xiamen, I must go to Gulangyu. Sure enough, there are few tourists at this time. When I temporarily decided to stay in Judy, I didn't expect it to be full of surprises. Breakfast is really like what the comments said. When I want to eat and do it, when I sit in the courtyard and wait for breakfast in a daze, I have a cup of American coffee to start my vacation mode, and then sandwich, seafood porridge and a large amount of fresh fruit, including red persimmon and Hami melon. I really can't finish it. It's cost-effective. The staff (including the aunt who picked me up to the hotel) are also nice. They won't disturb me casually, but they can solve it in time when they need help. According to the handsome guy at the front desk, it's only when there are few tourists that we can experience the good of Gulangyu. It's a great vacation. We will recommend friends to your house. Don't you know if there can be a discount? hey

lvy_mao said: Very good

emers said: Nice place

youweionion said: The hotel has details, which are very moving. Before check-in, wechat reminds you to buy tickets, remind you how to get from the airport to the wharf, and the evening plane also picks up at the wharf at 3 o'clock. When you go out, remind you to use wechat navigation, put a greeting letter on the bed, and welcome drinks

AppleWW said: The room is not big, but the old house and small environment are good.

e00038801 said: The room is a little small, but the layout is very stylish. The breakfast is great. Unfortunately, we had a bad stomach on the island the day before, and we had no luck. Later, the fruits were packed!

lanje said: Careful selection did not disappoint. Gulangyu has lived in many homes, which is worth recommending. Small objects are very thoughtful. Although the flowers and plants in the courtyard are not much amazing, they are neatly trimmed. The whole indoor style is the model of vacation. There is no wardrobe. It may be a little inconvenient to live for many days, but there are hooks. You can take a bath. The room upstairs is recommended because they enter the stairs from the side. It's very quiet. Breakfast is very good. What I like is the high reputation of their breakfast. The drink coupons they gave were drunk in another store. The style of the two stores is similar. The food is delicious and conscientious. The price is very close to the people in the scenic spot. Unfortunately, the coupons can only be used in the hotel, but the hotel also makes meals. The wine made by a little sister of the hotel is very delicious. Very suitable for playing. love it.

lidaguang said: It's a little far from the wharf, but the environment is good

linling06060606 said: Different petty bourgeoisie

e01035168 said: The environment is very good. The alley is very quiet. I like the decoration. The service is very good. The food in the hotel is even better than that sold in the shops outside Breakfast tastes great. Nothing is more important than food and the mood of travel.

catlianyi said: A touch of petty bourgeoisie?? The hotel has 24-hour free pick-up service, no matter how late?? The beautiful boss is very considerate. When you check in, you can upgrade room 2 for free. Great! There are many considerate services, first-class, in bed?? This is a service guide. Everything you use is very complete. It's worth recommending!

bbp-bbp said: Judy's family really didn't disappoint me. The room was very clean. The small balcony in room 8 was very comfortable during the day. Everything was very attentive and exquisite, and the service attitude was particularly good. It was really a good hotel rarely found on Gulangyu Island. The amount of breakfast is not what ordinary people can eat. Come back next time. Room 6 is also relatively large, very good, but the sun can't come in.

e00413087 said: Only 6 rooms, quiet and friendly, good breakfast


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Villa 3

  • 17 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Room 6

  • 22 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 2 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY250/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m


  • 23 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 1 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY250/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m


  • 21 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 2 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Room 7

  • 28 sqm
  • ベッド
  • 2 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Extra Bed: CNY250/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m


郵便番号:361002   開業:2012   改築:2017   客室数:6   商業エリア:Gulangyu Scenic Area
Judy's Inn Xiamen, 鼓浪嶼JdysInn(ジュリエットのホテル)は鼓浪嶼鶏山の麓に位置する内棺澳路193号で、judy'sブランドの下のリゾートホテルで、庭の花木が盛んで、客室の光が透き通り、清新で自然な装飾が施されています。客室施設は生活の細部から、古い鼓浪嶼の自然で穏やかで優雅な生活雰囲気を再現するよう努力しています。
鼓浪嶼JdyInn(ジュリエットのホテル)は島の中央に位置し、筆山洞を出て2分で着きます。鼓浪嶼内の仮埋葬澳埠頭から5分の距離で、ピアノ埠頭から15分の距離で、鼓浪嶼の有名な三一堂5分の道のりから、日光岩から10分の距離です。ホテルの庭は鼓浪嶋の有名なjudy's cafeで、営業時間は午前8時から始まります。その中、15時30分から17時30分までは午後のお茶のお菓子が豊富で、夜はbar serviceサービスがあります。ルームサービスも提供します。

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: 詳しくはフロントにお問い合わせください.
チェックイン: 14:00-00:00      チェックアウト: 08:00-12:00
無料の観光交通地図 カフェ バー ウエスタンレストラン ロビー 通常のスプリットエアコン 暖房 喫煙ゾーン 禁煙フロア ビジネス以外のお客様のための休憩所 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム
郵便サービス 荷物預かり モーニングコール 配達サービス 24時間対応のフロントデスク クイックチェックイン/チェックアウト ドライクリーニング プライベートチェックイン/チェックアウト ビジネスサービス クレジットカード決済サービス デリバリーランドリーサービス 一回限りの請求書決済サービス 非常勤ロビーマネージャー ピックアップサービス
国内長距離電話 24時間お湯 無料バスアメニティ(6アイテム以上) ヘアドライヤー フリップ・フロップ さまざまな電源ソケット 110V電圧ソケット 電気湯沸かし器 無料のボトル入り飲料水 ミニバー シャワーを浴びる アイロン設備 バスタブ セパレートシャワー 湯沸かし器 通常のスプリットエアコン ウェルカムギフト シティビュー 庭園を一望できる ビューをお楽しみください バルコニー バスルーム 洗濯機 液晶テレビ 3Dテレビ 暖房 遮光カーテン 手動カーテン 目覚まし時計 デイベッドソファ ベッド:アイダーダウン 寝具:毛布または掛け布団 ソファー 予備のベッド 220V電圧ソケット テラス ケーブルチャンネル 有料映画 無線 iPodドック 部屋の高速インターネット 電話 部屋のWIFIカバレッジ 部屋のWIFIカバレッジは無料です
  • 現金

質問: Judy's Inn Xiamen

スコア:4.7/ 5.0
Good overall
[Stay in Second room]
Highly recommended travel accommodation, 100 likes for room, breakfast and service. Not much, see figure??
[Stay in Third room]
The courtyard in front of the house is very good. My husband and I sat in the yard at night, very comfortable. Breakfast tastes great. My husband always praises the taste of Shacha noodles. Even if the room is really small, the bathroom feels cramped...
[Stay in First room]
Good, worthy of recommendation
[Stay in Sixth room]
The room booked by colleagues, family travel, satisfied
[Stay in Second room]
Good. Very comfortable.
[Stay in Sixth room]
The hotel is very close to neicuowo wharf and 10 minutes away from Longtou road. The room supplies are of good grade, well arranged, soft bed and good sleep. It's good to drink a little wine in the garden in the evening. The guests have a 75% discount.
[Stay in Sixth room]
The breakfast made by my little sister is super delicious and the style of the room is also very good, but the cost performance is not high and expensive. In addition, the sound insulation effect is not good. I always hear buzzing. I don't know whether it's the air energy or the sound of air conditioning. Overall, it's OK
[Stay in Sixth room]
The overall sanitation of the room is OK, small and fresh style, suitable for couples to travel. Breakfast is good, but it's a little slow. The service was passable. There was a reception at Gulangyu wharf. It's close to the wharf on the other side of Dongdu. It's about ten minutes' walk.
[Stay in Second room]
My favorite style is clean and quiet. I heard that breakfast is good.
[Stay in Sixth room]

