Harbin HaHa International Youth Hostel

石道街18号東方明珠マンション805、ソフィア教会堂に近いです。, Daoli District, Harbin, China.地図で表示 >
4.9/5 に基づく15件の口コミ

AntonySamsung said: The shopkeeper is very kind... I met many friends there... Very happy

beginners said: The first time I went, the location was not easy to find, but once I found it, I would find it very easy to find. It would be good to follow the address given by the store. The hotel aunt was very good and enthusiastic. When I first arrived, a girl caught a cold. The aunt also cooked porridge. The hotel didn't need money to wash clothes. The hotels I used to live in had to give money. The aunt's son was not here. I heard that she also loved traveling, Enthusiastic people who love making friends. I hope to meet them next time

feisun2009 said: The boss is handsome and nice. He is tired of logging. He is also in a good position. The scenic spots are very close

baobaopiaoliang said: It was the first time for me to take my son out of the hotel. It was a very warm place to visit that night. It was also my first time to take my son out as a tourist guide. I felt that it was very nice to take him out of the hotel for the first time, Living here is very close to all scenic spots! My aunt also reminded me not to forget to come back to catch the flight the next day. Thanks for everything I met here, which left me the warmest memory of the city. It must be winter to come to Harbin again! I hope to see my lovely aunt and boss ~

larryjin said: The location is convenient, and the boss is also very good at creating an atmosphere and living very happily

Janewin8822 said: It feels like home. It's very close to Sofia cathedral and central street. I've lived for two consecutive nights. I'll bring my friends to play and check in next time.

travellman said: It's very warm and feels at home. Both the villa leader and the villa leader are very warm, big?? fabulous! If you come again, you will go home!

ericliuge said: I'm Korean, but I feel that my boss and guests come to the chef as often as my brothers, brothers, sisters and friends, so I have a lot of good luck

liiisa said: Clean, sanitary, safe and reliable! The boss also plays outdoors. He is very nice! Next time you have a chance to come to Harbin, you'd better choose here!

angelto said: The first time I stayed in CYTS, I didn't feel like the hotel I had stayed in before when I went upstairs. I felt very good after five years. The boss is very young. Most young people organize like home. I also went to that Qinglv when I came back from Hulunbuir

jiajiajane88 said: The location is very good. It's convenient for shopping. It's super close to Sofia church and not far from central street. What's more, the boss Xiaozhuang is very good. He really feels at home. He will go next time

tonytang1 said: I hope there will be a boss like a Zhuang and a youth brigade like a Zhuang everywhere I go in the future. I'm very happy and comfortable ~

fionaxie2008 said: The handsome boy's boss is very friendly, the bed is very clean and the price is affordable. The key is to be close to Sofia church and central street, which is convenient to play. It's worth recommending!

nwcforever said: I just stayed in Harbin for one night and met many friends on the way here. The room is clean and comfortable, and the atmosphere is also very good. The bather can also play music and radio automatically It's less than five minutes' walk from central street and one minute closer to Sofia Church Go to Mohe and stay here when you come back:)

ivylo said: Aunt is kind, which is the only comfort. It reminds me of my grandmother and lends me a charger. I don't know if the bed is occupied. It should be pretty good. The family room is a compartment with no door lock and poor sound insulation. The big bed is made up of two beds. If three people live, one person will lie in the ditch. There are mosquitoes that night. My friend and I fell asleep at two o'clock and bit a lot of bags. I don't understand why we don't install screens. In fact, I came thousands of miles after the praise of others. As a result, I don't believe in comments anymore. The above comments are completely truthful and impartial.


Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • ツイン
  • 8 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY50/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.25m*2m


郵便番号:150000   開業:2015   改築:2016   客室数:3  
Harbin HaHa International Youth Hostel, ホテルはハルビンの黄金市の中心地に位置しています。全市は中央通りと聖ソフィア教会堂にとても近いです。夏はエアコンがあります。冬は地下暖房の「家庭式」国際青年旅館があります。次世代の80代のバックパッカーに似合う国際青年ホステルを作るために力を尽くしています。各ベッドには読書灯と枕元のコンセントが備えられています。個人はロッカーを持っています。セルフサービスのキッチンもあります。大スクリーン映画と音響をめぐります。ビジネスプリンタスキャナ、全自動洗濯機など:ここでする一番多いことは「集団で食べたり飲んだりして、一緒にゴロゴロして、一緒にゴロゴロゴロして、一緒にゴロゴロゴロして、一緒にゴロゴロゴロゴロしすべての若者の活力と情熱をここで爆発させます。Come on inに来てください。プライベート居酒屋もあります。冬のソナタで、一緒にお酒を飲みましょう。タクシーに乗るなら、「石道街の商店街、七日間ホテルの隣にある東方明珠マンション」という案内があります。駅から来たのは約9元の初乗り料金です。東方明珠マンションに入ったら、まっすぐ行ってエレベーターで8階まで行って、エレベーターを出て左に曲がったら、左手の端の第一部屋は805室です。廊下の街灯は音のコントロールで開けます。毎週月曜日、水曜日、木曜日は映画の夜です。毎週金曜日、土曜日は爆睡の夜です。毎週日曜日、火曜日は音楽の夜です。あなたの楽器を持って、乾燥してきます。(注:安全のためにエレベーターでカードで乗りますので、事前にホテルに電話してカードを使うように手配してください)

アメニティ & サービス

朝食の値段: 詳しくはフロントにお問い合わせください.
チェックイン: 14:00から      チェックアウト: 12:00まで
駐車場 無料駐車場 フロントデスクの貴重品は安全 カフェ バー エレベーター 暖房 ロビーの無料新聞 飲食店 空調 ファンクションルーム 公共エリアの監視システム パブリックサウンドシステム マルチメディアプレゼンテーション
会議場 ランドリーサービス 荷物預かり モーニングコール 24時間対応のフロントデスク クイックチェックイン/チェックアウト 翻訳サービス レンタサイクルサービス ファックス/コピー 無料のペットを同伴できます ピックアップサービス
バスルームメイク虫眼鏡 24時間お湯 ヘアドライヤー フリップ・フロップ さまざまな電源ソケット 室内金庫 電気湯沸かし器 コーヒーメーカー/ティーメーカー ミニバー ミニ冷蔵庫 アイロン設備 バスタブ 湯沸かし器 セントラルエアコン フリーペーパー モーニングコール シティビュー ビューをお楽しみください リバービュー バルコニー バスルーム 洗濯機 3Dテレビ ダイニングエリア 扇風機 公共ヘアドライヤー ワードローブ/クローゼット 暖房 トースター ソーイングセット 遮光カーテン ファックス 電子はかり 衛星チャンネル テレビ エクストラロングベッド(2メートル以上) ベッド:アイダーダウン 寝具:毛布または掛け布団 ランドマークビュー ソファー コンピューター 予備のベッド 220V電圧ソケット ケーブルチャンネル ロッカールーム DVDプレーヤー オーブン キッチン 台所用品 電子レンジ ストーブ 無線 ゲーム機 VCR 部屋の高速インターネット 部屋のWIFIカバレッジ 部屋のWIFIカバレッジは無料です
バーベキュー チェスルーム ジム フットボール ゲームルーム 図書館 徒歩で旅行 スキー
  • 現金

質問: Harbin HaHa International Youth Hostel

スコア:4.9/ 5.0
The shopkeeper is very kind... I met many friends there... Very happy
[Stay in Woman Room(each bed)]
The first time I went, the location was not easy to find, but once I found it, I would find it very easy to find. It would be good to follow the address given by the store. The hotel aunt was very good and enthusiastic. When I first arrived, a girl caught a cold. The aunt also cooked porridge. The hotel didn't need money to wash clothes. The hotels I used to live in had to give money. The aunt's son was not here. I heard that she also loved traveling, Enthusiastic people who love making friends. I hope to meet them next time
[Stay in Girls bed room]
The boss is handsome and nice. He is tired of logging. He is also in a good position. The scenic spots are very close
[Stay in Mix Room]
It was the first time for me to take my son out of the hotel. It was a very warm place to visit that night. It was also my first time to take my son out as a tourist guide. I felt that it was very nice to take him out of the hotel for the first time, Living here is very close to all scenic spots! My aunt also reminded me not to forget to come back to catch the flight the next day. Thanks for everything I met here, which left me the warmest memory of the city. It must be winter to come to Harbin again! I hope to see my lovely aunt and boss ~
[Stay in Woman Room(each bed)]
The location is convenient, and the boss is also very good at creating an atmosphere and living very happily
[Stay in Mix Room]
It feels like home. It's very close to Sofia cathedral and central street. I've lived for two consecutive nights. I'll bring my friends to play and check in next time.
[Stay in Woman Room(each bed)]
Aunt is kind, which is the only comfort. It reminds me of my grandmother and lends me a charger. I don't know if the bed is occupied. It should be pretty good. The family room is a compartment with no door lock and poor sound insulation. The big bed is made up of two beds. If three people live, one person will lie in the ditch. There are mosquitoes that night. My friend and I fell asleep at two o'clock and bit a lot of bags. I don't understand why we don't install screens. In fact, I came thousands of miles after the praise of others. As a result, I don't believe in comments anymore. The above comments are completely truthful and impartial.
[Stay in Family Room]
It's very warm and feels at home. Both the villa leader and the villa leader are very warm, big?? fabulous! If you come again, you will go home!
[Stay in Woman Room(each bed)]
I'm Korean, but I feel that my boss and guests come to the chef as often as my brothers, brothers, sisters and friends, so I have a lot of good luck
[Stay in Mix Room]
Clean, sanitary, safe and reliable! The boss also plays outdoors. He is very nice! Next time you have a chance to come to Harbin, you'd better choose here!
[Stay in Special couch]
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