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Liaoyang Weather

50F ~ 64F
NE at 20km/h
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Hot and cold in the park is located in Anping Gongchangling District Liaoyang City, Village, Township, aunts, located in the foothills of the white Lizi for national 2A level tourist attractions.

Hot and cold in the upper and lower area 20 meters wide from north to south about 500 meters. Hot and cold temperatures and seasonal contrast here is quite amazing: in the hot summer icicles jade, Hanqixiren, the surface temperature of -4 or so; cold winter here, no accumulation of snow and ice, heat filled, the stone cracks, you can see green grass, according to measured temperature 5 .

Traffic Liaoyang City Terminal, take from the station to the direction of the car Shenwo in the hot and cold to Park Station to get off.


10 yuan