Attration Category

Shanghai Weather

70F ~ 84F
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Covering an area of more than 200,000 square meters, and it is farm hauntingly resort of lodging, travel, entertainment, dinning, club, shopping, ralaxation is an integrated.

The Tomato Farmhouse, bases on the agricultural cultivation and breeding and according to the building style of territory of nationality, it has built a series of tourist facilities that is consisted of Mongolia Village, Tibet Village, Sinkiang Village, Hmong's Village and Jiangnan Village. The tourist items are beagling, shooting, riding a horse, fishing, riding donkey cars, watching animals, grassland activities, picking vegetables, tibetan barbecue, boating, playing basketball, volleyball and so on. Thus, the tomato farmhouse is ideal resort for urbanites to take a vacation.


Adrress: No.1600 Yexinzhi Road Xinwu Town Songjiang Distrit

Bus: Lianfeng Line (Soutern Mall-Tomato Farmhouse)


The farm in the 24-hour charges calculated (2 days), holidays with the charge of 192 yuan per person (flat, meal, ticket and cars fare), Mon-Fri with the charge of 140 yuan per person.

Free activities are fishing, boating, table tennis, basketball, badminton and karaoke.