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Shanghai Weather

66F ~ 81F
Overcast To Cloudy
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Skiing SiteSynopsis

   Shanghai Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site locates at 1835 Qixin Road,Minhang District.It covers an area of 100,800 meters.The skiing slop is 380 meters long and 80 meters wide.
   The thick of snow reaches 50 cm.The building has a perpendicular height of 42 meters as high as a 14-floor building.The skiing slope is divided into three segments.The visitors are sent to the top by special lift.The end of the slope is a practice flat of 7200 square meters,which is thebiggest in China.

Open Time

Sunday-Thursday 09;00am.- 22;30pm
Friday/Saturday 09;00am - 01:00am nextday

Ticket Fee

Time         Daily       Weekend
1hour        98yuan      118yuan
2hours       138yuan     158yuan
no limited   198yuan     218yuan