Benxi Weather

45F ~ 63F
Cloudy To Sunny
N at 30km/h To 20km/h
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Benxi Attractions - All
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Days Longdong

Days Cave Scenic Area is located within Benxi Benxi City, 6 km away from Benxi Water Cave, is the gateway to close mountains, soup ditch, iron brake Hill and the only way Hill and five women. Total length of 1,100 meters Longdong days, three holes up and down linked Overturned stalactite, stalagmites to form a "Dragon and Phoenix", "Golden Toad water" and forty various natural landscape. Dragon Cave Scenic day there is a gap within the spring, a water 8 minutes, 8 minutes for a dry, local ... View Detail

Holes to heaven

Heaven holes in the Township of Benxi City, Bend Ya Kawamura Huanren County near the town 10 kilometers away from Huanren. Heaven has reached 5,000 meters hole length, at the upper, middle and lower layer, the middle has been developed. Hole area to look on the main hole for Dragon Cave, where the holes have holes, total length of over 1100 meters. Stalactite cave clusters, crystal clear, fully demonstrating the good fortune of the gods of nature. Kongkuo hole at the end of a hall, looked up, ... View Detail


Wunushan Autonomous County is located in the city of Benxi City, 8 kilometers northeast of the Hun River North-west, for the state 4A level scenic spots. Five women and five women mountain mountain mountain world cultural heritage. Mountain lanes are rectangular and five women, peak elevation of 821 meters, 1500 meters north to south and east-west width of 300 meters, 200 meters vertical height of the cliff. Delicate mountain resembles a Jade, surrounded by cliffs, towering steep. Top flat, ... View Detail

Wunushan Fortress

Wunushan mountain Autonomous County is located in the city of Benxi City, 8 kilometers northeast of the five women and the mountain, is the national key cultural relics protection units in 1999, one of the top ten archaeological discoveries, is the World Heritage List. Fortress Mountain and five women as an early capital of Goguryeo, Goguryeo history and in the northeast region of national history, there is a very important historical value. The inherited the mountain in northern China to ... View Detail