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    The eastern half of the garden has gradually taken shape, where a number of scenic areas are open to tourists, such as the fuhai Scenic Area, the eastern part of Qichunyuan, and the European Palaces of Changchunyuan, which have regained their past glory with green hills and blue water enhanced by luxuriant trees and fragrant flowers, The park has also become the venue for a series of annual festivals. Including the Spring Outing Festival, the Lotus Flower Festival, and the Chrysanthemum Festival.
    A compact, bushy shrub with leaves that are a mid-green colour. It has silky buds that open up to pure white, star-shaped flowers, commonly faintly flushed pink. The blooms are lightly scented, open very early and before the leaves, finally covering the shrub for several weeks.
Forsythia flowers
    March and April,we can see the blooming of forsythia flowers everywhere in the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park,they spring passionate, that yellow flowers set off by green leaves and full of life, it is truly lovely, and countless people to them and take pictures.
    Specifications Model: 10-50 cm
    Product categories: trees and shrubs
    Common name in February orchid, winter green Chunhua's fine to be high 10-50 cm, with white powder. Leaves sometimes varies greatly; basal leaves and lower part of the stem leaves the bulk-like feather crack, apical lobes are particularly large, entire or tooth-shaped notch, approximately 2 cm in diameter; lavender; flowering from March to April, the fruit of four - May.
Tree peony
    Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originating in China. The choice of tree peony in 1994 as the Chinese national flower was yet another honor to be added to the accolades and honor  bestowed on it over the centuries.
   Cloves, fragrant Osmanthus Codding is a deciduous shrub or small tree. As a result of spendthrift slender nails and the Hong hence the name. Also known as cloves, clove ocean. Well-known garden flowers. Inflorescence large, lush flowers, color and elegant, aromatic, robust habit, easy culture, which is widely cultivated in the garden applications. Flowers bisexual, was apical or lateral panicles. Color purple, lilac or violet, and purple and blue with white and purple, white and purple for the majority. Cloves or character names, some spices and a TV name.
    A chrysanthemum is a flower with o lot of long,thin petals that are dark pink,yellow,or orange in colour. September to October is the period of chrysanthemums in full bloom in Yuanmingyuan, located in the Old Summer Palace then Xiushan room.