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The front entrance of the underground city as old and common in the same hotel floor small building, hanging above a "Beijing Underground City," the plaque. From the door inside, along the twenty-grade level, you can enter the mysterious and ambitious Beijing underground city. Down the steps, and then is a long corridor, and then you can see one by the rise of Mao Zedong's "Beijing Underground Great Wall" of the plaque, plaque below the sculpture and the picture of Mao Zedong stood.

Underground passage appears about 2.5 meters high, the narrowest side by side, where three people can take a maximum width of five places you can go side by side. Channel at the top of every five, Six meters there is a energy-saving lamps. Either side of the wall covered her with a camouflage cloth, all covered with moisture channels in the red carpet, as long as the walk down the red carpet, they will not get lost. Despite the damp carpet covered, but the channel remains in the wet.

Walk down the aisle, from time to time to see some time at the underground city dug the precious old photos, there are some picture of Chairman Mao and the Ten Marshals photos. It is said that some of these photos are treasures, has a high collection value. Underground city wall near the exit and some relief workers, peasants and the labor scene, looks very vivid. Beijing residents on the ground when digging them theRoad when used shovels, Tang Ciwan and other supplies, the top coated in the soil.

Dungeon few signs hanging on the wall, one of them signs that read "Wangfujing", said direct access from here Wangfujing, but they did not open through the tunnel. Now in addition to visiting the underground city entrance, leading to the "field hospital", "cinema" was sealed the entrance, and in fact can indeed access to the underground city in many places, including the Metro Line 1 and Line 2. Today, the underground opening is only a small part of the city, and is a circular tunnel, visit the circle, can return to the place.

BackKing: Beijing underground city was built in response to Chairman Mao's "dig deep, wide grain", the government mobilized about 30 million Beijing residents, began to dig underground shelter. The dig to dig for a decade, until 1979, air-raid shelter built, because of its huge, well-equipped, so people call it the underground city. Underground city of about 8 meters above the ground, the deepest place of up to ten meters, 2 meters wide, widest through a jeep, about 30 km, can accommodate more than 30 million people. In addition to hiding than this also has a very good living environment and conditions. Underground city has more than 70 toUnder water and more than 2,300 specially designed vents, as well as barber shop, hospitals, movie theaters and other live entertainment facilities. Every time one of the cinemas with more than 300 movies available.

Tip: underground city, a good cell phone signal.


Beijing Underground City, the entrance is the front door alley No. 62 West Da Mody, through the front door into the alley next to the Great Northern studio, about 20 minutes walk to the alley to see West Grand Mody. Transport: 22,44, 48,808, special 2-way, front door or Metro Line 2 station.


Tickets are 20 yuan, 10 yuan students.

Opening hours 9:00 am-16: 30.