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    Tiananmen Gate is located in the traditional central axis of Beijing. By the City, Taiwan, and the tower of two parts, white marble Xumizuo, total height of 34.7 meters. 60 scarlet Babel cylindrical tower on the ground is a gold brick paved, tall and rich color of the walls above has two double eaves and floor, with yellow glazed tiles, there are nine things, five north-south, a symbol of imperial power the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the statue. "North and south sides are Linghua cell door, 36 vermilion Ryoka of doors; ceilings, doors, arches, carved dragon painted painted with traditional auspicious patterns Liang Fang; laced with gold, "Ssangyong co-Xi Cai Jin, group Long pattern smallpox caisson, so that the whole hall is the majestic, magnificent. Hall by a 450 kg octagonal lanterns and 16, each weighing 350 kilograms of hexagonal lanterns Zhongxingpengyue patterns.
    There are five city audience coupons door, the middle of the coupons door, located in the Beijing Imperial City, the central axis, only the emperor can thus access. Above the middle of the doorway hung a huge portrait of Mao Zedong, both sides are a large poster of "Long live the People's Republic of China" and "people of the world Long live the great unity".
    Opened in front of Tiananmen Jinshuihe a pillow Biliuhe, fly set up seven beautiful white marble bridge, commonly known as the Golden Water Bridge. The deck like a rainbow to form beautiful curves. Dynasty Empire, the most prominent among a carved Broom the stigma of the deck with only the Emperor passed, called the "Royal Road and Bridge; about two eagles the lotus stigma of the bridge deck, the only allowed by Prince called" kings bridge "; again on both sides, and only allowed above the third grade civil and military ministers passed, called" grade bridge "; the side of ordinary relief stone bridge, is the officials and soldiers to go four products, called" public Health bridge ". Bridge east and west sides, each with white marble, onyx table stands, full of momentum.