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In the northeast corner of Beijing, has more than one century, built the factory 50';s named Arts District, which is 798. It is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing Jiuxianqiao Dashanzi area streets, it is also known as Da Shan Zi Art District, the original 798 for the former state-owned electronics factory where the old plant. Jiu Xian Qiao Road west of this region, east of Beijing railway package, Jiu Xian Qiao North Road, north and south to Tai Road, an area of more than 60 million square meters.

Since 2001, around Beijing and Beijing from the artists began to gather outside the 798 factory, they found the artist's unique perspective on the work in the arts here Unique advantages. They take full advantage of the style of the original plant (German Bauhaus architecture), minor renovation and modification, change and become a distinctive art exhibition and studio space. 798 has caused the current domestic and international media and public attention, and urban culture has become a new landmark in Beijing.

798 walk around down forty minutes, a radius of one square kilometer there are more than a hundred cultural institutions, including publishing, architectural design, fashion design, interior home design, music performances, video playback, artist studios and so on. In addition to galleries, as well as bars, restaurants, clothing stores, bookstores, yoga Center everything. Lot of choices here, light there restaurants in France, Italy, as well as Sichuan. Visitors can buy a gallery or art district navigation bar graph, or simply their own free shopping.

Mottled red brick wall, the patchwork of industrial plants, pipelines criss-crossing the walls of each era slogans still preserved. Uniformed workers and fashion exist side by side for visitors, history and reality, industry and art perfectly fit in here together, here is the Beijing 798 Art District.

The world salt, Sichuan Road, directly brought in from the kitchen a small place in SichuanDivision, not through the city craftsmanship, the smell of duck is good food.

ATCAFE, Huang Rui's coffee shop, where the characteristics of Italian coffee, pizza and sandwiches are also good. Original architectural style prominent plant.

Beijing Season Cafe (VINCENTCAFE), Arts District, the most worthy of the French family to a small hotel. Wen Sen French owner in Beijing when the general manager of a famous French restaurant, fifteen-year-old from learning to cook in Paris, France, and management. Here is authentic French pancake, you can put meat and vegetables, you can also put ice cream and fruit.


798 Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Chaoyang District, located at 4, though a bit remote, but easily accessible. There 401,402,403,418,420,405,909,955,991,988,445 bus and so on. By car take the Fourth Ring Road, Jiu Xian Qiao Road on the island in the Dashanzi, No. 2 Jiu Xian Qiao Road from the entrance or entrance No. 4 Jiu Xian Qiao Road 798, in the factory yard to find a safe parking place. Note that taxis allowed to enter plants, plant-lit after dark.