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Zhangjiajie Weather

64F ~ 77F
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     Savage valley is a new tourist attractions in zhangjiajie, panoramic view to reappear savage life for features. Many of the valley of wild newness, thrilling performance, the performers are from wild is dressed up, simply roughy performance. The main performance project has climb sword ladder , swallow raw snake, eating bark, TV stations and other media have reported a savage valley, make it become a new tourist attraction zhangjiajie.


    In the territory of the village,  three trees temple , CiLi county,  provincial road
    S306 (namely ZhangQing highway) 447 kilometers, close to WuLingYuan. Take the city bus from CiLi to wulingyuan or  from jiangya hot spring to zhangjiajie .

tickets :  $150