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Zhangjiajie Weather

64F ~ 77F
Overcast To Light Rain
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    Dragon King hole is one of the Zhangjiajie tourism core attractions ,experts praised as "the world cave wonderful", is China's largest, the oldest one of the cave.

    Dragon King hole with a total length of 30 km, the average height of 50 meters, 80 meters wide, 58 hall, 28 stone corridors, 15 pearl waterfalls, three underground river, two lakes, 45 water flower beds , cave stalagmites stalactite,  Known as "the first column" , pointing at the sky, the magnificent, breathtaking.

    A  87 meters pool of the bottom right of the Dragon King hole is called "Dragon King Lake", the lake surface has more than 400 square meters, surrounded by steep stone walls, pond water depth is still a mystery, no discovery. Dragon King Lake throughout the year to maintain the water level constant in the season, climate change high tide phenomenon, known as the "yin sea". Lake sooner or later, hazy mist sometimes looming cruising fish, ducks swimming, pigeons rise and fall, feel, dream-like.