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Stream is located in Wintergreen Village, 19 km northeast from the generation of chow. Yang family on behalf of the state is not only highlighted the danger of the battlefield, but also the former residence of Yang family';s tomb and location.

Shrine faces south, sitting in front of a pair of stone lions guarding the shrine. Temple doors south, there are three towers, called "Chung Tak House", here is the Yang clan ancestral altar priest. Along the stone steps, and looked up to see the Temple gold plaque hanging on the door: namely, "Yi Shi will be slightly", "a loyalty", "good ShanxiThe "ancestral record both sides have described the serial Yangjiajiang murals, exhibitions and displays of historical sites related artifacts Yang family. Backyard is the main part of the shrine, there are five main hall, the center is a statue of Ji-business couple, both sides of the Yang Eight sub-image. In addition there are many stone tablets are the Yang dynasty compliment Valiant text.

In the middle of a deer hoof backyard stone, on the origins of this stone, there is a story: According to legend, the fourth generation of industry Sun Yang Yang Yang, the Friends of Hill and his brother in a hunting, shootingIn the forepaw of a deer, wounding deer fled, Young brothers behind catching up, the deer fled the village of deer hooves suddenly disappeared Stream, Young Brothers where the deer disappeared digging out of a deer with the arrow printed on the shape of the rocks. He is given two gods that this coaching, so we choose to live out here.