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Huludao Weather

61F ~ 82F
SE at 20km/h
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Wang Hai Temple is located in Huludao City Longgang District, located in the middle of the peninsula south of Huludao, something both sides of the folder Hill, south through the Bohai Sea shore.

Wang Hai Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty, rebuilt in the Qing period, gradually run-down, rebuilt in 1992 by the Government Xingcheng. Now Wanghaisi temple 80 meters from east to west, north to south and 120 meters, the temple has gate, there Longtu Hall, King Hall, Main Hall, Kwun Yam Temple, Yuquan Temple, Buddha main hall, Buddha Temple, dining and 3 incense burner, Block 1 PoDing. Monks presided over a 4.

Wanghaisi located in the mountain forests, backed by mountains, the face of reservoirs. Spring Summer Day, Shanhua over the open, pine green, and bright. Every lunar first day, fifth, more than a devout men and women come here to burn incense, Buddha.