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72F ~ 86F
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Nine Dragon Pool Scenic Area is located in Chang'an District, Xi'an fed sub-floor territory, located in the Qinling Mountains, At the gate of Fengyu dial to south only 13 kilometers will be there. Nine Longtan scenic mountains and beautiful, cascading waterfalls from the top to Tandi, school of natural scenery.

Nine Dragon rocks due to water formed by the impact of nine different styles of pools. Five meters of a body of water deep in the rocks formed a small street; two pool like paradise, lush flowers in the rugged drive form; three, four, five, six pool together known as Pente Lake, adjacent to the slope in the formation of a few hundred meters ; through the steep long spine, seven pool walls surround; again to go up, there are eight and nine Tam Tam.

Tam can climb over nine games to reach the summit of the Cape, where several temples, burn incense and pray often mountains of local residents. Crane field trip up by the board, but also to the pool to the west well, Long Dian, dongjingzi pool and other attractions.


Getting There

What word starting Water Division: Water Division from the west gate just south suburban car even words Station, to the Feng Meiyukou (lijiazhuang, GAO Guan, Feng Meiyukou three lines can be reached, within 7 yuan fare) and get off, take " face "(6 million) directly to nine LongtanArea in front of the box office.

Matilda starting gate: Matilda door from the bus station in Xi';an to Ankang, Zhen';an, Ningshan other trips over the next nine Longtan scenic spot.

Golden Road Departure: 320 from the Golden Road by bus to get off at the Qinling Safari Park. Transfer "face" to nine Longtan scenic spot.

Huang Yan village, the village auspicious start: the Huang Yan village, the village by Water Division auspicious even sent word to the Feng Xian Meiyukou direction of the car.

Han Guang Starting Gate: Take the door by the Han Guang Feng yukou 921 bus to the surface to the area under the transfer.

Yang Village starting grass: the grass Yang VillageTake bus 916 to transfer surface under Feng yukou to scenic spots.

Aerospace Boulevard Departure: West Side Road from the space by 4-08 Meiyukou Symphony under the bus transfer to the special surface area.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda Departure: Big Wild Goose Pagoda by mountains to the Symphony No. Meiyukou special plane to the next transfer area.


Darcy million in highway driving straight from 44.5 km to feed the sub-floor office that the two lines to choose from:

1, Xian - Chang'an County Conservation District - University City (Wei Guo Road) - Meridian Avenue (Meridian Avenue South, turn right at the end of that see the toll station) - Wan Shan PublicRoad - Qinling Wildlife Park - Feng yukou turntable - 13 kilometers due south into the mountains that is.

2, Xi'an - West Wan Road (State Road 210) - Guo Dutian Park, the new city - the town of Chang'an Luan - Feng yukou turntable - 13 kilometers due south into the mountains that is.


25 yuan; by old card 15 yuan, 18 yuan military officer, student ID 20.