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A stone gate is all that remains of Koxinga's Yanping Fortress, which he built during the 17th century to train his troops for battle against the Qing Dynasty. After he viewed the lone gate, a local Chinese wrote, "Please run your eyes bitter."

When your eyes have quit running bitter, note the characters "Old Yanping Fortress" engraved on a rock by the gate. Mr. Tan engraved these characters in 1922, after building a school dorm behind the former fortress. (He chose the Yanping Fort location to symbolize education's revolution). The Japanese destroyed the dorm during the war, and Mr. Tan rebuilt it as a 4-storey red brick structure with green Chinese tiled roof.

Note the unusual 15-storey Nanxuan building. When the pragmatic Mr. Tan designed and constructed this building in 1956, he installed a huge clock and a lighthouse on the tower so fishermen could find their way home during inclement weather.