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Dr. Sun was born in Guangdong province of China on November 12, 1866, and died in 1925 in Beijing, China. On April 23, 1929, the Chinese government appointed He Yingqin to be in charge of laying Dr. Sun to rest. On May 26, the coffin departed from Beijing, and on May 28, it arrived in Nanjing. On June 1, 1929, Dr. Sun was buried there. Sun, considered to be the "Father of Modern China" both in mainland China and in Taiwan, fought against the imperial Qing government and after the 1911 revolution ended the monarchy and founded the Republic of China.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is situated at the foot of the second peak of Mount Zijin (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing, China. Construction of the tomb started in January 1926 and was finished in spring of 1929. The architect was Lu Yanzhi, who died shortly after it was finished. It is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration.

The mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who is considered the Father of the Republic of China and the forerunner of the Chinese Revolution, is located at the southern foot of Purple Mountain in Nanjing, bordering Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum to the west and Linggu Temple to the east. The construction of this mausoleum began in January 1926 and was completed in the spring of 1929. In 1961, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum was included on the list of National key Cultural Relics Protection Units.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum covers an area of 80,000 square meters.  The main buildings were built on one central axis, along which the mausoleum rises gradually and squarely: marble dolmen, the pavilion, sacrificial hall and coffin chamber will come into view one by one, and perfectly demonstrate traditional Chinese architectural styles. Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum faces south. Looking down from the air, it seems to resemble an alarm bell.

Besides these, many other memorial buildings around the mausoleum were also built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and have great artistic merit.