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Lushan Weather

79F ~ 90F
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By the Datianchi southwest side of the stone steps down through a few hundred meters, we see that pull in thousands of feet of a cliff, under the provisional Jue He, alone at the air like a dragon head, flying days, but this is the dragon in the first cliff.

First Cliff lean on a railing overlooking the Long Valley Stream, like the rainbow bridge can be seen lying, Lion Rock, square seal rock, Manjusri rock, cool rock, lofty ladder, and many views, numerous stones, attitude thousands.

Long view of the first cliff cloud: When fog hit, Shen Jian cloud rising in the valley. Standing on a rock, like clouds, wandering around in space; may also wish to explore the sea dragon, play waves. A little while, the fog dispersed, clear sky sun, Green everywhere, the distant valley, power plants, rivers, fields, farms can be clearly visible.

Dragon Head Cliff Precipice: A shiting watch from the cliff on the left, the first Cliff cantilever Qiao Li Long, a stone lie on it, like the dragon head. Qiu cliff pine trees rooted in rock crevices, like asparagus, micro wind and the Buddha, like asparagus every now and then.


By the Datianchi southwest side of the stone steps down through a few hundred meters will be visible.