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Lushan Mountain scenic area in the south west end of town 13 kilometers away from the stars, is in the Jin Dynasty poet Li Tao House is located. Tao hometown area has two resort and spa resort, located in the north and south sides of Star Bend Road.

Lushan Hot Spring Resort Mu days: with the pottery village adjacent to the Southern Forest Huanglong Mountain, this is the sulfur spring, with a variety of trace elements, water temperature 62-70 degrees Celsius, can treat rheumatism, skin, nervous, cardiovascular diseases.

Jurchen Jin Wen legends at the cross-Huanglong heaven. After the discovery of hot springs in the Jin Dynasty, ancient blanching, Tang said in the Huanglong Temple Court, said Song Ling TangTemple, Bai, Su Shi, Zhu Xi h ave to stay in this poem. Medicine scientist Li Shi Zhen Ming Dynasty had come to this study, included "Compendium of Materia Medica."

In 1935, Jiangxi Lushan Administration Office and the beginning of construction in this open resort, housing and bathrooms, in 1938 the Japanese destroyed. Provincial Federation of Trade Unions in 1957 Lushan spa built in the 1961 Premier Zhou Enlai to the hospital visit.

In recent years, nursing home expansion of the hot spring resort. Within a beautiful environment, for the southern-style landscape architecture. But now, with a variety of modern medical facilities, but also open sauna, massage and a variety of recreational activities,A poly recuperation, leisure, recreation as one of the tourist destination.

Tao Hometown: Tao 44 years old, because the original vegetable garden home (ie, Furuta homes) by the fire, after AD 411, he moved to Chestnut Lane (Village), Ji Jin Tao Beach Road north. Tao Beach at the peak of the valley of Wisdom, there is a meandering stream in the field, for the chestnut in the source, commonly known as drunk Stream.

Upper stream of the cliff with rocks such as Tiger Claw platform for Yuanming stone drunk. Tang Yen Chen, Bai has visited stone drunk, Narathiwat old house poem. There are many stone stone through the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi';s inscription to "Returning Home Museum" 4 The most obvious words.

DrunkStone near the "Drunken Master Zhuo Ying Chi," Returning Home Museum, five willow hall. Drunk by Kang Shi Tao Jianxi a temple of the Road to the East Valley. Tao has been developed daily, Gonggeng wanderings and other attractions, as Yuanming hometown resort.

Tao descent from the Song Dynasty, gradually moved south highway, Ji Jin Tao village, east of Hot Springs Village. Drunk Stream flow from the entrance to the village, there Chaisang bridges stream. Village south of the Nanshan Yuanming poem says, there is the Southern poet Xie Lingyun Village built by the Taiwan Buddhist Translating Taishan. Contemporary Dramatists Shiling He has long poem, "Yin Li in" Ode to this.