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Luoyang Weather

77F ~ 99F
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Luoyang is located in the downtown district, west Wangchenggongyuan Luoyang Museum, Luoyang Museum is an excellent and municipal museums and outstanding patriotism education base in Henan Province.
Luoyang Museum on May 10, 1985 was established, Luoyang Museum has thirty years of history. Luoyang Luoyang Museum has a collection of ancient relics unearthed, display area of 1700 square meters, the order of the historical stage, and dynasties are several galleries, displaysSince 50 million years ago, on down to the Ming and Qing dynasties more than 2,000 pieces of cultural relics, many of which are national cultural center of the boutique, the image reflects the Luoyang economic, political, and cultural history of the genesis and development.