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66F ~ 81F
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Longjing River Grand Canyon in the north of the Dabie Mountains peak Huoshan white tip, white tip from Forest Park only 4 km. Grand Canyon 15 km long, 400 meters deep, wide and 40-300 meters in groups canyon waterfall, rocks everywhere, Castle Peak relative, magnificent.

Falls groups: group size falls within the canyon more than hundred, of which there are three large waterfalls. The biggest one is 58 meters high Longjing River Falls. Anadromous and crashing waterfalls and to the vision, seven fairy legends, see the Longjing River in this drying up, filled with emotion, then pick a wisp of black hair hanging between two mountains, and this is the origin of Longjing River Falls. Pool waterfallDeep emergency, thousands of years does not dry, quiet and deep, fly rainbow hanging, is very spectacular. many waterfall waterfall is one of the most unique, magnificent, stirring, Duolu stream out from the two peaks, mighty, such as the potential of horses, the sound if the bells, spray Underlying his Blueprint , eddy back Zhixie, if illusory, mesmerized.

Rock landscape: the heap Valley stalagmites, knife blade disconnect, golden songs, like a heap blame the valley of the wizard, the achievements of the heap in a valley of Mountain Creek Road, Longjing stunning scenery, towering stalagmites show three hundred meters high, attractive pro-position; knife blade and the Rooster In contrast, vivid; with the myths and legends of many ethereal, more added to theLongjing River beauty. Taniyama heap mountains of water not only to the United States, its long advocated by the revolutionary history of the world. Liu and Deng miles leap year Dabie Mountains, power down future generations, not rich; the liberation war, lion-shaped mountain valley heap Huoshan old house is the county government seat of Eastern Command. Today this land is already a hero prescription field, road into a network, drainage connected.