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Lishui Weather

72F ~ 86F
Light Rain - Moderate Rain To Light Rain
NW at 20km/h
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The Guyan Painting Township development aims to create "three bases and one center", namely, an art painting base, a creation base, a painting production base, and an eco-leisure center (resort). This project has unique mountain and water and beautiful natural scenery anomalies with profound historical and cultural heritage, rich human resources in art sketches and art creation, convenient land and water transportation, and valuable tourism development potential.

This project covers a total area of 122 mu with a building area of 90,000 square meters, of which 30,000 square meters for shops or galleries and 60,000 square meters for commercial buildings. Based on the existing natural and cultural resources integration, this project will make a fusion of residence with art creation, and a fusion of production with cultural experiences. The total investment is 100 million yuan.

Preparation and progress status;The project proposal has been developed, and the agricultural land transition for this project has been completed. Currently, the old houses demolition is being carried out in good order with 50% of the demolition task having been completed.