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59F ~ 79F
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Museum building houses at the development of the layout of the Naxi, using as Shanxi Lu Yuquan water and the natural landscape, from north to south cave opened up ancient human living, nesting, semi-cave, tent living, home dry bar and Muleng Fang, Three Square a screen wall, four five different stages of the traditional courtyard houses, and on display reflect the period in which the level of productivity of Naxi folk heritage information. The opening of "Heaven", offering wind ", Festival Office" and other folk customs, religious scenes for the audience Dongba ritual performances.

In addition, you can also see here the various pictures on the Dongba culture text description, as well as by Books, paintings, ritual musical instruments and other physical data, as well as the production life of the Naxi ancient utensils.

Lijiang Naxi Dongba Cultural Museum features the Dongba culture, Jade Spring Park is located next to.

Museum of the main building in the form of antique Naxi courtyard style, according to topography, environmental conditions make full use of landscape to form a group as the main building with a courtyard of ancient buildings.


Yuquan Park out the back door that is.

style = "font-weight: bold;"> tickets

30 yuan