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Lock River House in the city on the Yangtze River in Jiujiang, Jiujiang such waters to enter the boat, lock Jiang floor pagoda (Wenfengta) will come into view, therefore, the lock to become the Jiujiang River House, a symbol.

Lock House, the original first floor of a tower Jiang, Ming Wanli years (1586), when the county governor Wu Xiu Ren Jiujiang, for water risk, according to the School of words, back in Jiujiang Dragon Angeles Riverside was built on the fund-raising Jiang F lock, lock and key, said Jiang Tian F, high three-, four-floor, next to Town water buffalo, and later established in the South in the building of a pagoda 25.26 meters high, called Wenfeng Tower, also known as the dragon back to the tower. There may be circling the tower ladderAnd on.

Thirty six years of the Ming Wanli (1598) the night of June 17, Jiujiang earthquake, collapse of river rock foundation, floor, and two river locks fell in the river buffalo, river locks and the other two tractor tower survived.

Qing dynasty years of the building collapse was rebuilt, but in the Qing Xianfeng three years (AD 1853), River House, and the remaining locks of iron in the other two victims in this war, except the tower in the Changjiang River Wenfeng solitude, solitary, tower Jiang Ying lock.

June 1938, Wenfeng fire among the Japanese troops, although the scars (three bullet holes, tilted to the river76cm), but still standing on the river, majestic tall and straight.

After the liberation, it was rebuilt at the site of the lock on the river floor, covering 18,000 square meters, and in between Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge and the Wenfeng Tower, the new cast two bronze cattle, cattle each block length of 3.1 meters of copper, 2.7 meters high , 1.5 meters wide, weighs 1.5 tons, once again, to reproduce the lock dependency River House tower, the historic look of copper cow town water.


In Jiujiang city can take 5 Road, 23 bus to arrive.

<span style = "font-weight: bold;"> tickets

20 yuan / person.