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Zhoushan Weather

66F ~ 81F
NW at 40km/h To 20km/h
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Wanning City, Canada in the new, new two zone between fields, Lingshui County west to Ridge for the cattle industry.

Sun Moon Bay yard, surrounded by mountains and the north, south China Sea, is a half-moon bay, bay soft white sandy beaches, calm sea, suitable for swimming, is a natural beach. Ru within the New River and Agrocybe quietly flowing river, the river in the Sun and Moon Bay to the sea, river water relative permeability, salty complement each other, clean water, moderate salt, rock surf when the sea is quite spectacular.

Sea dyke construction is moisture, Dibian has a freshwater swimming pool. After the visitors had enough in the sea, you can swim into the fresh water poolWash the body. Dibian has a view of Hai Ting and tea room, visitors can leisurely tea in the pavilion interior view of the sea and enjoy the leisure of the music. The sea also has a unique style cottages for couples somehow. Set of the entire resort living, eating, bathing, playing, swim in one, visitors can enjoy Happy.


Haikou, the provincial take the express train to the Mannings, and then take the local bus.

Tickets 15.