Guangzhou Weather

75F ~ 86F
Moderate Rain
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Visitor Guide

Address: 867 North Jiefang Road,

Guangzhou Postcode: 510040

Opening hours 9:00 - 17:30 (all year open, 16:45 stop ticket)

Tel: 36182920,36182865 Fax: 36181030

Tickets: Adult $ 12, half-price ticket of five yuan.

Free of charge: above 70 years old, people over the age of 65 in Guangzhou City,  primary and secondary school students, the disabled, military personnel of Guangzhou City

Half-price ticket crowd: college students, graduate students, aged 65 to 69 year-old man, outside of Guangzhou City, primary and secondary school students.

Car lines:

203/273/552/7/543/211/29/7/33 Road, Jiefang North Road Station

21/519/528/555/556/108/110 Road, Yuexiu Park Station

Metro Line 2 at Yuexiu Park Station  ,Exit E