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Fuzhou Weather

75F ~ 95F
Cloudy To Moderate Rain
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Also known as Chong Sheng Temple, the full name of the Xuefeng Chong Sheng Temple, located in Minhou County, northwest of the Xuefeng Phoenix south of the mountain. Tang Xiantong ten year (870) built the existing temple is rebuilt mostly Guangxu years. The main temple building is the gate, Dharma Hall, Main Hall, dining hall. Inside the hall from Myanmar III Tathagata Emerald Buddha. Eighteen different attitude to life. Four old trees, the mountains outside According to legend, the two Department of Min Wang know in the Tang Dynasty monk righteousness endures Flocked thousand years of history; small two Ming Dynasty monks planting ago, five or six centuries. Temple Tibet India Sanskrit Pattra Buddha image, which is quite precious.

Tickets Opening hours: 10 yuan
Yangqiao Road, turn the Hung Gan highway, over Fujian Province to designate the sugar cane town, Xuefeng Village, Baisha Town, Tai Tahu reached.