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   Dalian Mao Ze Dong Badge Exhibition Hall was open on Dec. 26th, 2001 to mark the 108th anniversary of Mao Zedong''s birth.

   From early 1945 to late the Mao''s birth centennial in 1993, the huge quantity of various kinds and a grand scope of badges for the giant both in China and world history was unprecedented. It was even called "the 9th world miracle".

Mao Zedong Badge Exhibition Hall

   During the years of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese population showed their loyalty and support for Chairman Mao by wearing badges in his image. While all other artwork was banned at the time, these metal pins survive as cultural relics from a turbulent time. The museum showcases a collection of nearly 1 million badges, in almost as many sizes, styles, and shapes. It is truly a snapshot of China's "Red Age."

   Note: Many of the Mao badges shown in the museum can still be purchased at street markets around Dalian. Billions of the badges were produced across China, and have resurfaced in recent years as tourist memorabilia - along with Mao's "Little Red Book."

Ticket: RMB5  
Hours: 8am-4:30pm