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Xiaozai Tiankeng is in Xiaozai Village,Jingzhu.It is the biggest Tiankeng in the world from the depth and the volume.

The Tiankeng and Difeng Scenic Area covers an area of about 456 square kilometers,administering six main scenic spot.It is famous for having Xiaohan Tiankeng which is the biggest o­ne in the world and Tiankingxia Difeng which is the longest in the world,the Longqiao River  and Migong River and so o­n.It is an ideal palce for travel,holiday,science andexploratory.

Xiaozhai tiankeng was discovered by specialists in 1994 during the search of new exploration site for British cavers in the China Caves Project.

In fact it was well known to local people since ancient times. Next to this sinkhole was located a small village - Xiaozhai. The name of village in translation just means "little village". Nowadays it is abandoned.

Already in Chinese classical works frequently are mentioned mysterious and deep ravines - possibly they describe tiankengs.

Xiaozhai tiankeng has incredible size. This hole is 626 m long and 537 m wide. Total depth is 511 - 662 m. Area of opening is 274,000 m2, volume - 119.348 million m3. All these millions of cubic metres have been dissolved and carried away by the river.

Sinkhole is double nested structure - upper bowl is 320 m deep, lower - 342 m deep and 257 - 268 m across. Between both these steps is sloping ledge. This ledge has formed due to muddy, "dirty" layer in limestone.

In wet weather there is seen waterfall falling into tiankeng.

This is one of three very large tiankengs worldwide - the other two are Dashiwei tiankeng and Haolong tiankeng (both in China).

There are buses from Chongqing Bus Station to Fengjie.Take bus from Fengjie,about o­ne hour can reach there.The fee is CNY15/person