Xingang Holiday Hotel Xinzheng

аэропорт Синьчжэн авеню, 9, недалеко от скоростной дороги пекин - Чжу, Xinzheng, Xinzheng, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 298
3.9/5    832 отзывы

jinbo said: good

Dr Reddy said: The room is not big, but the facilities are quite complete. The overall feeling is OK.

d8294 said: good

gaoxin910 said: Nice and clean

anders2009 said: I've lived many times. I thought it was OK before. This time I felt it was too bad. I always heard the buzzing of the plane before going to bed at night. I finally fell asleep. Someone played music loudly at more than six o'clock in the morning. I hope to pay more attention in the future. Everything else can be very close to the airport Experimental Zone Management Committee and the planning and Land Bureau. It's very convenient to do things. The hotel rooms were also very good, and the service was very good. It's just too close to the airport runway. The noise of aircraft taking off and landing is a little louder. But you can give me a transfer station. It feels very good! The location of the hotel is close to the airport, and there is shuttle service, which is very considerate. The service, sanitation and facilities were OK. I felt that they were quite cost-effective and suitable for business travel

musicer03 said: The hotel has convenient transportation and high cost performance. I will stay here next time.

e00899121 said: Praise

gigicj said: I've lived here several times, and I'm very satisfied!

lwslm said: The hotel is close to the airport. The cost performance is OK. I'll stay next time.

angelpig said: It is very close to the Management Committee of the airport experimental area and the Bureau of planning and land and resources, which is quite convenient. The hotel rooms were also very good, and the service was very good. It's just too close to the airport runway. The noise of aircraft taking off and landing is a little louder. But you can give me a transfer station. It feels very good! The location of the hotel is close to the airport, and there is shuttle service, which is very considerate. The service, sanitation and facilities were OK. I felt that they were quite cost-effective and suitable for business travel.

boobooboo10019 said: very good

Mr ? ? said: The hotel was pretty good overall, especially the rooms in the back felt quite quiet. It's just that the restaurant has too much business at night. Sometimes it's too slow to order alone.

nicolexiaoling said: Not bad

iamelvi2007 said: It's close to the airport. It's free to see you off. It's also convenient to eat nearby

BennyLiao said: preferably

AU1515 said: The hotel service is very good, good quality and low price. The rooms are spacious and clean. I stay here every time

brianwu said: Good cost performance

e00122372 said: More convenient

apollolu said: Very close to the airport

puer7582 said: Pretty good overall

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Holiday King Room

  • 18 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-5 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Deluxe Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-6 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Deluxe Queen Room

  • 22 sqm
  • King bed
  • 3-5 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Executive Queen Room

  • 23 sqm
  • King bed
  • 4-6 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Executive Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 4-6 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Business Twin Room

  • 31 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-3 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Triple Room

  • 30 sqm
  • --
  • 4-5 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 3 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Executive Room

  • 32 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 4-6 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.5m*2m

Executive Family Room (Hot offer)

  • 36 sqm
  • King bed
  • F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2.2m*2m

Executive Round Bed Room

  • 35 sqm
  • King bed
  • 4.6 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 round bed

Business Suite

  • 58 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-4 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY100/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Описание отеля

Почтовый индекс:451161   Здание построено в:2009   Год последнего ремонта в отеле:2017   Количество номеров:168   Коммерческий район:Xinzheng Airport Area
Xingang Holiday Hotel Xinzheng, Он расположен в международном аэропорту Чжэнчжоу на южной стороне авеню.до аэропорта 5 минут езды, до отеля приемка.
Он сосредоточен на питании на западе, канун, бизнес - досуг, связь, интернет - магазины как единое целое, полностью функциональная и хорошо оснащенная интеллектуальная гостиница.есть ресторан китайской кухни, Порт - О - фасоль, Западный ресторан.В то же время питание может принимать более 800 человек.в музыкальном центре есть спортивный зал, бильярдная, комната для пинг - понга, кинопроекционная, шахматная и т.д.многофункциональные залы заседаний могут вместить более 200 человек, а средние залы заседаний - более 50 человек, оснащенные электронными занавесками, проекторами и первоклассным звукозаписывающим оборудованием.
Он всегда следовал 'стремление к совершенству, обслуживание искреннее, xin порт - сервис, уход за клиентами на каждом этапе' концепции обслуживания, с сердечным приветствием, ласковой улыбкой встретить каждого гостя, отели сосредоточиться на подготовке талантов, непрерывно повышать качество и навыки персонала, развивать и предоставлять высококачественные услуги потребителям.

Удобства и услуги

Цена завтрака: CNY38($5.2) / шт
Время завтрака: 06:30-09:30
Тип завтрака: Шведский стол (Китайский)
заезда: с 8:00      отъезда: до 14:00
Удобства и услуги
Бесплатная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации Банкомат Кафе бар Китайский ресторан Ресторан западной кухни лобби КТВ лифт ресторан Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Представительский этаж Представительский лаундж Мультимедийная презентационная система Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно) Вестибюльская газета Карта туристического движения
Услуга по доставке автомобилей конференц-зал Билетная касса услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Почтовая служба Посыльный на полную ставку Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок Встреча служба доставки Прокат велосипедов консьерж сервис Факс / копия 24-часовой менеджер лобби Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Экспресс-регистрация заезда и выезда Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса Встреча (бесплатно)
Удобства в номере
Доступные комнаты
Спорт и отдых
Чайная комната Шахматная Комната комната для настольного тенниса бильярдная Баскетбольная площадка
  • Наличный

часто задаваемые вопросы об Xingang Holiday Hotel Xinzheng

Гол:3.9/ из 5.0
[Stay in Deluxe Standard Room]
[Stay in Holiday King Room]
The room is a little small, everything else is OK
[Stay in Holiday King Room]
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
The hotel is average. The cost performance of several hotels near the airport is fairly good.
[Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
Pretty good overall
[Stay in Holiday King Room]
The facilities are too old, the room hygiene is poor, I feel dirty everywhere. Breakfast is not good either. The room attendant is very good.
[Stay in Deluxe Standard Room]
The check-out line is so slow, the carpet is dirty, the next batch of bowls and chopsticks are waiting for breakfast, and the quilt is wet. The food is delicious
[Stay in Holiday King Room]
[Stay in Holiday King Room]
The hotel service is very good, good quality and low price. The rooms are spacious and clean. I stay here every time
[Stay in Business Standard Room]


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