New Century Grand Hotel Siyang

мичэн - роуд, 88, к северу от набережной, Siyang, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 418
4.9/5    502 отзывы

jieall said: Very, very satisfied.

e01175703 said: Wang Juzi was careful. He gave me back my mobile phone immediately after it was lost. The service attitude was super good. Thank you

amy_you said: This time, because of the epidemic situation, it is very wise to choose to stay in this hotel. The hygiene is very good. The room price is very reasonable. The room is equipped with millet purifier. The washing and care products are suitable herbal series. In special times, the hotel staff will send breakfast to the room, which is very hygienic. Although there are fewer kinds, they are very safe to eat, The reception at the front desk of the hotel is very friendly, especially in special times. The staff are disinfecting every day. I'm very relieved. When checking out, Wang Hongxia also provided us with disinfection and isolation masks. It's really warm. I'd like to commend it. I'll stay here next time in Jinan

andrew1972 said: Good! Clean, hygienic and good service! Good breakfast! The swimming pool is very good!

e01981103 said: People who never write comments today, the comments written to the hotel service staff, including some service staff in the Chinese restaurant, are very good, and Geng Jia, a staff member in the reservation department, has good professional quality. She has a good overall experience from the beginning to the end. She gives people a warm feeling. She must be a kind and warm girl in life, and wishes for the new year She is happy to be promoted and get a raise??

e01239043 said: Chain hotels are in county-level cities, but the service is not discounted at all, very good!

e00409909 said: Very nice hotel! I've been living

lvtutu said: In particular, I would like to thank manager Wang Juzi for his kindness. He took good care of my two children after living for many days and gave me a small blessing bag. Because he was too busy to take photos, the service was very good and must be highly praised

AvaRen said: The food, accommodation and service were all very good

jenyji said: Wang Juzi, the breakfast was very comfortable and the room was very satisfactory

xgf109 said: I received a follow-up call from Wang Juzi. There are many kinds of breakfast. The room is clean. Give Wang Juzi five stars.

e02610704 said: The location of the hotel has a great advantage. It's near the canal. It rained and didn't go out. It must be good to take a walk in summer. I was overjoyed by the service quality. The front desk for check-in was on the second floor. There was a staff member, Wang Juzi, who was very excellent, dignified and generous, had a good image and strong insight. When I checked out, he immediately sent hot drinks to me and my family. Then I drove to the first floor to pick up my mother and daughter on the second floor. Wang Juzi was always around my mother and daughter and was very good at taking care of our feelings, He always took us to the door and told us to pay attention to safety, considerate and careful. He was moved. Thank you. The service was considerate and very comfortable. It creates a feeling of home for me. No matter big or small, it is so impeccable, and the price is also very reasonable. Breakfast is also abundant, full of beautiful things, suitable for all ages,. The environment is good. I'll come again.

bobo912912 said: Kaiyuan is really great. Smoking is forbidden in the lobby. Manager Wang Juzi's service is kind and polite. There are many kinds of breakfast, fresh fruits and a robot is super cute.

bobo720606 said: It's very good. It's suitable for children

TC Yang said: I have been staying in this brand hotel on business trip. It's good overall. The reception service at the front desk is good all the way.

binders said: Breakfast taste good, a wide range, the next time to continue to stay

Anniye said: Xia Qian's service was very good. Wang Juzi also made a return visit to inquire about the check-in experience. It was good

alexxu1969 said: The service was very good

lance2050 said: Good cost performance

edfang said: It's suitable for taking care of children. Breakfast is good

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Kaiyuan City-view Twin Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 6-12 F
  1. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Kaiyuan River-view Twin Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 6-12 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Superior City-View Twin Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 15-20 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Superior City-View Queen Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • King bed
  • 15-20 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Superior River-View Twin Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 15-20 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Executive River-view Room

  • 34 sqm
  • King bed
  • 21-28 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Superior River-View Queen Room

  • 38-43 sqm
  • King bed
  • 15-20 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Executive City-view Queen Room

  • 55-57 sqm
  • King bed
  • 21-28 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Executive River-view Queen Room

  • 55-57 sqm
  • King bed
  • 21-28 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Kaiyuan River-view Suite

  • 80 sqm
  • King bed
  • 6-12 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Superior River-view Suite

  • 80 sqm
  • King bed
  • 15-20 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Executive Lake-View Suite

  • 120 sqm
  • King bed
  • 20,28 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 2m*2m

Описание отеля

Почтовый индекс:223700   Здание построено в:2013   Количество номеров:230   Коммерческий район:Urban area
New Century Grand Hotel Siyang, Он был построен ООО « Цзянсу цзянцзянцзянцзянцзянь цзянцзянцзянь инвестиции», гостиница расположена на окраине пекинского ханьского канала, который имеет красивую пейзаж, является маяком для города Ханьчжоу, полностью интегрирован в дизайн канала пейзаж и ландшафт общей площадью 37 тысяч квадратных метров, высота 30 этажей 108 метров, первый этаж Сурабая ян, знаковое здание для Сурабая.
ресторан расположен в провинциях Сычуань, уезд сычуань, сурабайян, автовокзал всего 5 минут, прилегающая соль хуайюй Сюй высокоскоростная дорога, 35 минут езды от аэропорта Хуайань, около Сюйчжоу, нанкин, около 2,5 часа езды, транспорт очень удобный.отели, бизнес, досуг, питание, жилье, развлечения, фитнес - отеле, все очень престижные и престижные.
230 номеров, Северный вид городского лесного парка, Южный канал в пекине ханчжоу Фэн пояса, широкий кругозор, мебель, элегантный дизайн, в полной мере учитывать потребности коммерческих гостей.27F для гостиничного кабинета, административный этаж, специально для высококлассных коммерческих гостей, чтобы создать частный и высокий класс гостей, место отдыха.проникнуть в дизайн напольного окна, просмотреть канал красивый пейзаж, независимо от пола ванны, дизайн уникальный, ванна на солнце, интерес.номер чистый, чистый, чистый, чистый, чистый, чистый, чистый, уютный. “также дерево кайюань 'низкоуглеродные экологические продукты серии, чтобы принести вам почетный опыт пребывания.есть также широкополосный интернет, 16 - часовая служба ускоренной доставки белья, оставьте сообщение, будите, VIP - китайский чай синий, утюг два и стиральная обувь услуг.
в отеле есть более 2200 ресторанов, роскошь и изысканность, уникальные, всеобъемлющий, блестящий изысканный и изысканный питание, известный шеф - повар, предоставляет клиентам изысканные хуайянские блюда, новые кантонские блюда, специальные ханчжоу, Шанхайская кухня, сычуаньская кухня и другие высококачественные блюда и модные блюда европейской кухни.двенадцать банкетных залов разного размера с банкетным залом площадью 1500 человек, 750 плоским и 450 кв. м многофункциональным залом, оснащенным идеальным аудио - визуальным оборудованием, проекционной системой и специальным оборудованием для освещения, подготовленным специально для банкета старших сотрудников, занимающихся всеми вопросами бизнеса, социальной жизни и банкета высокого класса.
в отеле также есть специальный спортивный клуб, в котором будет идеально сочетаться фитнес, досуг и коммерческая социальная деятельность.клубы с эксклюзивным членским составом занимаются популяризацией услуг на высшем уровне.независимо от того, фитнес центр, комнатный бассейн с постоянной температурой, комната пинг - понга, бильярд, Центр шахмат, косметический центр красоты, вы можете чувствовать себя почетным и теплым, наслаждаться счастливым временем.

Удобства и услуги

Цена завтрака: CNY68($9.4) / шт
Время завтрака: 07:00-10:00
Тип завтрака: Шведский стол (Европейский)
заезда: 14:00-18:30      отъезда: до 12:00
Удобства и услуги
Бесплатная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации Кафе Китайский ресторан лобби лифт Услуги парковщика ресторан Этаж для некурящих Банкетный зал Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Представительский этаж Представительский лаундж Мультимедийная презентационная система Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно) Вестибюльская газета
Услуга по доставке автомобилей конференц-зал услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Почтовая служба Посыльный на полную ставку Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок служба доставки консьерж сервис Факс / копия 24-часовой менеджер лобби Свадебное обслуживание Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Экспресс-регистрация заезда и выезда Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса
Удобства в номере
Утюг / гладильная машина для одежды Детские тапочки Доступные комнаты Детская зубная щетка Детский халат
Спорт и отдых
Шахматная Комната спортзал Массажный кабинет Закрытый бассейн
  • Наличный

часто задаваемые вопросы об New Century Grand Hotel Siyang

Гол:4.9/ из 5.0
Breakfast is rich in local food and tastes good. It's better than last stay
Very, very satisfied.
Wang Juzi was careful. He gave me back my mobile phone immediately after it was lost. The service attitude was super good. Thank you
This time, because of the epidemic situation, it is very wise to choose to stay in this hotel. The hygiene is very good. The room price is very reasonable. The room is equipped with millet purifier. The washing and care products are suitable herbal series. In special times, the hotel staff will send breakfast to the room, which is very hygienic. Although there are fewer kinds, they are very safe to eat, The reception at the front desk of the hotel is very friendly, especially in special times. The staff are disinfecting every day. I'm very relieved. When checking out, Wang Hongxia also provided us with disinfection and isolation masks. It's really warm. I'd like to commend it. I'll stay here next time in Jinan
Good! Clean, hygienic and good service! Good breakfast! The swimming pool is very good!
People who never write comments today, the comments written to the hotel service staff, including some service staff in the Chinese restaurant, are very good, and Geng Jia, a staff member in the reservation department, has good professional quality. She has a good overall experience from the beginning to the end. She gives people a warm feeling. She must be a kind and warm girl in life, and wishes for the new year She is happy to be promoted and get a raise??
Chain hotels are in county-level cities, but the service is not discounted at all, very good!
Breakfast is very rich, swimming pool. Suitable for children, it is one of the best hotels in Siyang. The working attitude of hotel staff and service staff is sometimes good or bad and unstable
Very nice hotel! I've been living
In particular, I would like to thank manager Wang Juzi for his kindness. He took good care of my two children after living for many days and gave me a small blessing bag. Because he was too busy to take photos, the service was very good and must be highly praised


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