Baoan Hotel Shanghai

восток - 800, дорога вблизи Лаошань - дун, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 648
4.3/5    6263 отзывы

leeodong said: The service was very good and the transportation was very convenient. The subway station is nearby

e00220880 said: The location is convenient, but the facilities are really a little old

jiujiu090406 said: Pretty good, quite quiet

jacoblx said: Yes, twice

a359606120 said: The location is pretty good. It's OK in this area. The room is clean. I'm generally satisfied

bingtang3808 said: The most comfortable hotel for this trip has a comfortable environment and a good geographical location. It is 96 square and the subway is very close. It is very convenient to travel. I will stay next time.

LIMINI said: The hotel has a good geographical location. It is close to 96 square and Laoshan Road. There are restaurants with various dishes. It is very convenient to eat. There are all kinds of flavors. It's very close to the first 800 partners. Friends who like shopping malls can also visit about one stop. The service attitude of the hotel is very good. Although it is located in the business district, the house is very quiet. I don't check in once. I feel great! In Pudong, it is also an affordable hotel. It is recommended that the price will rise as soon as there is any exhibition. There is no way. Who makes such a large hotel in Shanghai so few!

bobovic said: The location of the hotel is very good, the service is very excellent, and there are many choices

bobding said: In 96 square, the transportation is convenient, eight hundred and five minutes away

paul1881 said: Good environment, friendly service, generally OK

bibbia said: Good, cost-effective

orange_bird said: good

Daisy_y said: Convenient transportation, clean environment, good service

Alex23203 said: The hotel is well located, close to Century Avenue subway, convenient transportation, close to Lujiazui, and there are many restaurants nearby. It is very convenient to eat. I made a temporary reservation before the trip, which is quite satisfactory and worth recommending.

evita1017 said: I ordered it for the guests. Overall, I feel it's good. I'll order it next time

bubu~ said: The facilities are a little old, but they can still be kept clean and tidy, and meet the service + environment of star hotels. It's OK

Giggle said: The hotel is great, just at 96 square, close to the subway entrance, all kinds of convenience. It only takes about ten minutes to walk to 800 company. The hotel service was also very good. The front desk was very polite and patient.

taia5989 said: Convenient for colleagues

e01811673 said: The location of the hotel is very good. The most important thing for outsiders is to travel conveniently. My favorite way to travel in other places is the subway. The surroundings of the hotel are also very good. The hotel service was also very good, the cost performance was OK.

ccvs6688 said: The considerate and friendly waiters are the choice for the whole family to travel. This price is very cost-effective. It's a 15 minute drive from the city. Taxis often stop at the door of the hotel. There are 96 square Burger King family and a business circle nearby

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Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Special Promotion

  • 15-20 sqm
  • Single bed
  • 6-8 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 single bed: 1.2m*2m

Selected Queen Room

  • 18 sqm
  • King bed
  • 6-15 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Business Twin Room

  • 30 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 6-8 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY166/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Business Queen Room

  • 30 sqm
  • King bed
  • 9-15 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY166/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Deluxe Family Room

  • 30 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 7 F
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 queen beds: 1.5m*2m

Executive Queen Room

  • 30 sqm
  • King bed
  • 16 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY166/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Business Suite

  • 45 sqm
  • King bed
  • 6-8,10-14 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY166/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Описание отеля

Почтовый индекс:200122   Здание построено в:2003   Год последнего ремонта в отеле:2009   Количество номеров:228   Коммерческий район:Lujiazui Area  Pudong New International Expo Center
Baoan Hotel Shanghai, Он расположен в доме Баоань, расположенном в финансовом центре Лу Цзябао в новом районе Пудун, на пересечении вековой дороги с Восточным шоссе. он расположен в пяти туннелях, прилегающих к дорогам Яньань, далянь, возрождение, жэньминь, новая дорога. он находится в пяти минутах езды от станции метро на авеню века 2, 4, 6 и 9.вокруг много коммерческих зданий и сооружений, обширный участок земли.
31 декабря 2012 года гостиница была официально зарегистрирована как группа управления отелями UPSKY, а также как место расположения штаб - квартиры группы управления отелями UPSKY в китае.в номере есть две сотни номеров.
В то же время, в отеле есть отличный конференц - зал, бизнес - центр, развлекательные сооружения и уникальные рестораны, пропагандирующие экологическую кухню, отличное географическое расположение, современный бизнес - туризм, проживание и офисная обстановка, чтобы создать теплоту, заботливую, удобную, характерную совершенно новую рабочую атмосферу.

Удобства и услуги

Цена завтрака: CNY128($17.6) / шт
Тип завтрака: Шведский стол (Европейский, Китайский)
заезда: с 14:00      отъезда: до 12:00
Удобства и услуги
торговый центр Центр парикмахерских услуг и красоты Платная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации Кафе Китайский ресторан лобби КТВ лифт ресторан Этаж для некурящих Банкетный зал Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Представительский этаж Представительский лаундж Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно) Не курить в общественных местах Вестибюльская газета Карта туристического движения
конференц-зал Билетная касса услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Обмен валюты Почтовая служба Посыльный на полную ставку Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок Встреча служба доставки прокат автомобилей консьерж сервис Факс / копия услуги дворецкого 24-часовой менеджер лобби Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Швейцар на полную ставку Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса
Удобства в номере
Доступные комнаты
Спорт и отдых
Шахматная Комната спортзал
  • Наличный

часто задаваемые вопросы об Baoan Hotel Shanghai

Гол:4.3/ из 5.0
The service was very good and the transportation was very convenient. The subway station is nearby
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
very good as usual. friendly personal good service and clean
[Stay in Deluxe Twin Room]
The location is convenient, but the facilities are really a little old
[Stay in Deluxe Twin Room]
Pretty good, quite quiet
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
Nice hotel
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
Quite satisfied. It's worth recommending. I'll stay next time.
[Stay in Special Promotion]
Yes, twice
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
The location is pretty good. It's OK in this area. The room is clean. I'm generally satisfied
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
just so so
[Stay in Deluxe Business Room]
The most comfortable hotel for this trip has a comfortable environment and a good geographical location. It is 96 square and the subway is very close. It is very convenient to travel. I will stay next time.
[Stay in Deluxe Twin Room]


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