Huangshan Hotspring Resort

у входа в курортный район, у вокзала., Huangshan District, Huangshan, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 688
4.4/5    3062 отзывы

fengyufeng said: We drive by ourselves. We have to provide a license plate to enter when booking a room. I feel a little troublesome. But the environment is good, there are hot springs, cost-effective, comfortable, stay in the Xuanyuan Hotel, satisfied!

e00148868 said: The hotel is on the hillside, not on the top of the mountain. You can drive to the hotel after 1:30 p.m. the hot spring is very comfortable

cat88 said: Very good, very satisfied! Like..

wo77521 said: At the foot of Huangshan Mountain, the environment is very good! The price is expensive, but it's not the same as a big room. If it's bad, I just want to find a plastic bag to hold dirty clothes! All aspects of hygiene were good!

bluelion said: I think the decoration tastes great

lx_alex_118 said: We didn't book it on the mountain, so we continued to stay the next night. The difference between staying in Tangkou and here the next night is not big. The geographical location is OK. The hot spring is very close, and the bus station up the mountain is not far. The only difference is that our car can drive to the hotel.

E01643091 said: I feel pretty good

Ambeo said: The hotel is more than 600 meters above sea level, surrounded by green pines and bamboos, with fresh air. Sleep at night with low methotrexate, very relaxed! Once again, only Xuanyuan!

sindymin said: We were very satisfied when we went with our sister. The hotel is located very well, very close to the gate of Huangshan, and we can take a hot spring. When we went up the mountain, our luggage was stored in the hotel. After coming down the mountain, we felt good and stayed for another night

a-ban said: The service is first-class and the environmental sanitation is excellent. Come on, friends. I'm staying. I really don't want to leave.

taoimsc said: The hotel environment is OK, but it's not easy to find a room if it's not in this building. There are rooms on the third floor of Huangshan hotel. The hotel's Chinese food is very cost-effective. Great

xy1456 said: not bad

fan631120 said: The environment is good. It's quiet and self-cultivation on the mountain

e00160233 said: Overall, I feel pretty good

carolrun said: From Huangshan down drag tired body bubble a hot spring, it goes without saying, strongly recommend

JimmyNi1980 said: The environment is good and the scenery is beautiful. The hot spring car can't pick you up at any time. It's inconvenient

jimmylee1982 said: First off - the multiple buildings at this hotel can be a little confusing, but once we found ours it was great. We were located in what seems to be the newest and nicest of all buildings with an easy 10 minute walk to the hot springs and even shorter to the bus station for one of the tourist buses up the mountain. The room was great and we had a nice view down into the valley. The AC did not work properly at our arrival, but after a complaint to the cleaning lady, it got fixed within a couple of hours. The hot springs are really big and quite worth a visit. If you want to go there, check on the hot spring package with the hotel, as the normal price seems to be 298 RMB and with them being only a very short walk away,you can just hop over there for a quick visit in the evening with the pass. The only real downside is the somewhat disappointing breakfast buffet with hardly any western options, except some baguette with strawberry jam. All in all a great stay though.

fenglanliu said: The hotel is good, but the price is expensive

rongjianli said: It's too high

ljwei said: Overall, it's OK. Compared with the hotel on the mountain, it's very good.

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Special Twin Room

  • 28-30 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 3-4 F
  1. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Special Queen Room

  • 23 sqm
  • King bed
  • 1 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Queen Room

  • 23-25 sqm
  • King bed
  • 1-4 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m

Lingquan Building(With Hot Spring)

  • 25 sqm
  • King/Twin
  • 2 F

    Twin Room(South Building)

    • 28-30 sqm
    • Twin beds
    • 1-3 F
    1. 2 small queen beds: 1.2m*2m

    Twin Room(North Building)

    • 28-30 sqm
    • Twin beds
    • 1-2 F
    1. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

    Deluxe Twin Room

    • 42 sqm
    • Twin beds
    • 2-4 F
    1. Extra Bed: CNY550/night
    2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

    Deluxe Queen Room

    • 42 sqm
    • King bed
    • 2-3 F
    1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


    • 30-35 sqm
    • King bed
    • 2-3 F
    1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m


    • 60 sqm
    • King bed
    • 2-4 F
    • No Smoking Room
    1. Extra Bed: CNY550/night
    2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

    Famous Spring Room

    • 100 sqm
    • multi Beds
    • 1 F
    1. 1 queen bed and 1 queen bed

    Xuanyuan Pavilion

    • 196 sqm
    • Twin beds
    • 4 F
    • No Smoking Room
    1. Extra Bed: CNY550/night
    2. 2 queen beds: 2m*2m

    Shiun Villa East

    • 400 sqm
    • multi Beds
    • 1-2 F
    1. Extra Bed: CNY550/night
    2. 2 queen beds and 2 single beds

    Shiun Villa West

    • 400 sqm
    • multi Beds
    • 1-2 F
    1. Extra Bed: CNY550/night
    2. 2 queen beds and 2 single beds

    Описание отеля

    Почтовый индекс:245800   Здание построено в:2007   Год последнего ремонта в отеле:2010   Количество номеров:172   Коммерческий район:Mount Huangshan Hot Spring
    Huangshan Hotspring Resort(Huangshan Leaf Spring Resort Hotel), Он расположен в районе живописи Хуаншань около 612 метров над уровнем моря в районе горячих источников, на южном предместье пурпурного камня, на северном берегу персикового ручья;и так близки друг к другу.зона мытья состоит из нескольких разновидностей столовых столов, расположенных в альпийском лесном саду.
    гостиница расположена в горах Хуаншань с приятным пейзажем, секретная территория высокая лесная плотность, летом температура около 20 градусов, это идеальное место для вашего отдыха, отдыха и отдыха.рядом с отелем расположено множество природных и гуманитарных ландшафтов, таких, как: мост Редж - ровер, знаменитый мост, крыльевой павильон, старый родник, большая река ляньхэ, статуя сюй - нефелианца, люди водопада, сотни источников, мост байлун, дом водопада, слушать Тао, и так далее.свободный от отдыха, прогулки по нему, равнодушное настроение, досуг!
    гостиница расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города, расположена в самом центре города.Конференционный центр располагает более чем 10 залами заседаний различного размера, стиля и удобства для удовлетворения различных видов потребностей в конференционном обслуживании.Он приветствует вас издалека!

    Удобства и услуги

    Цена завтрака: CNY98($13.8) / шт
    Тип завтрака: Шведский стол (Европейский, Китайский)
    заезда: с 14:00      отъезда: до 12:00
    Удобства и услуги
    парковка торговый центр Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации Китайский ресторан Ресторан западной кухни лобби КТВ лифт Обогрев зона для курения ресторан Этаж для некурящих Банкетный зал Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Мультимедийная презентационная система Выделенный выставочный зал Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно) Не курить в общественных местах Вестибюльская газета Карта туристического движения Охранник Проекционное оборудование прачечная
    Услуга по доставке автомобилей конференц-зал Билетная касса услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Обмен валюты Почтовая служба Посыльный на полную ставку Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок Встреча служба доставки Химчистка Услуги по глажению одежды консьерж сервис Уход за детьми услуги дворецкого спа Трансфер 24-часовой менеджер лобби Свадебное обслуживание Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Услуги прачечной доставки Встреча Экспресс-регистрация заезда и выезда 24-часовой китайский сервис Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса Факс / копирование (бесплатно) Трансфер до аэропорта Детское питание Служба доставки Уход за телом
    Удобства в номере
    Сушилка для белья Посуда для стирки детские игрушки Детские тапочки Доступные комнаты Детская зубная щетка Детский халат Шкафчик
    Спорт и отдых
    Чайная комната барбекю Шахматная Комната Массажный кабинет Сауна комната для настольного тенниса Ванна для ног Бассейн с подогревом
    • Наличный

    часто задаваемые вопросы об Huangshan Hotspring Resort

    Гол:4.4/ из 5.0
    We drive by ourselves. We have to provide a license plate to enter when booking a room. I feel a little troublesome. But the environment is good, there are hot springs, cost-effective, comfortable, stay in the Xuanyuan Hotel, satisfied!
    [Stay in Special Promotion Room]
    I didn't look carefully. It's the hotel at the foot of the mountain
    [Stay in Queen Room (special promotion)]
    The hotel is located in the hot spring scenic area. It's very convenient to get in and out of Huangshan. The cost performance of the room is very high
    [Stay in Queen Room (special promotion)]
    The hotel is on the hillside, not on the top of the mountain. You can drive to the hotel after 1:30 p.m. the hot spring is very comfortable
    [Stay in Special Promotion Room]
    The room is clean and the breakfast is average. The service was OK. As a tourist destination, there are such hardware and software.
    [Stay in Deluxe Single Room]
    The environment is good and the scenery is beautiful. The hot spring car can't pick you up at any time. It's inconvenient
    [Stay in Deluxe Double Room]
    The price is higher than that at the foot of the mountain, but there is a hot spring nearby. It's very convenient to soak in hot spring, and the residents can get a discount. The entrance is the public bus station of shangyungu temple or ciyunge. Very convenient! We offer a steam bath, but we didn't try it!
    [Stay in Special Promotion Room]
    The room was so small that a small bug (live one) was found in the quilt. The cleaner immediately changed the sheets and covers. The surrounding environment was very good.
    [Stay in Queen Room (special promotion)]
    The service was OK
    [Stay in Deluxe Twin Room]
    Very good, very satisfied! Like..
    [Stay in Deluxe Double Room]


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