Paco Hotel Guangzhou Gangding Metro Branch

улица Лункоу, запад, 189, недалеко от метро, 3 - й линии, выход а, тяньхэ, компьютерный город, тайгу гу, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China.посмотреть карту >
CNY 491
4.2/5    1746 отзывы

benvicf1 said: The environment is very good, but there are no windows. It's still worth it

faye737 said: It's quiet and comfortable. To live in Guangzhou BOGAO has always been the first choice!

annasui1204 said: For leaders

stallman7604 said: It's a very nice hotel. The rooms are clean and tidy, the beds are comfortable and the environment is quiet.

mamereal said: The room is very large ~ the decoration and facilities are also good ~ it's about a little more than 10 minutes' walk from the subway station ~ generally OK ~ high cost performance

sinyama said: Frequent check-in is very convenient

mpeg4 said: It's not bad. It's quiet.

e02358032 said: The environment is OK. The location is in the downtown. It's good

merrymayinan said: The hotel is clean, sanitary, elegant and good

dna_consulting said: The front desk is good

guaiguai608 said: I am very satisfied with this hotel

wenlisa said: The environment is good. It's very close and convenient to the office

lamb23 said: The environment is good and the sanitary conditions are good. I will continue to live next time!

gracefanjin said: The transportation is convenient, that is, Longkou West Road at the gate is more congested.

Ansen_Lin said: It's a good hotel, with convenient food and transportation.

lilyli930 said: It's not bad. It's just a long way to go

jojocy said: It's a little bit of a long distance

lovexuxu8281 said: The surrounding environment is great, a lot of food! Travel is very convenient and the location is easy to find

princeli said: The location is quite good. Although the building is very old, the interior decoration is good. For people who often stay in hotels on business, the key is that the bed is not bad. In this busy market, the price is acceptable

e02173816 said: Not bad. Hotel prices in Guangzhou have risen sharply

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Пожалуйста, сначала установите дату.
Room typeMax.BedNetworkBreakfastAvg.rate

Special Promotion (No window)

  • 18-22 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-5 F
  • No Window
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.5m*2m
  3. Windowless

Superior Queen Room (No window)

  • 25-27 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-5 F
  • No Window
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m
  3. Windowless

Superior Twin Room (No window)

  • 25-27 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-5 F
  • No Window
  1. Can't extra bed
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m
  3. Windowless

Deluxe Queen Room

  • 30-32 sqm
  • King bed
  • 2-5 F
  1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m
  2. Partially windowless

Deluxe Twin Room

  • 30-32 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 2-5 F
  • No Smoking Room
  1. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m
  2. Partially windowless

Business Queen Room

  • 30-32 sqm
  • King bed
  • 5 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

Business Twin Room

  • 30-32 sqm
  • Twin beds
  • 5 F
  1. Extra Bed: CNY150/night
  2. 2 single beds: 1.2m*2m

Deluxe Triple Room

  • 38 sqm
  • multi Beds
  • 3 F

    Luxury Bathtub Queen Room

    • 40 sqm
    • King bed
    • 2-4 F
    1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

    Deluxe Bath Suite

    • 50 sqm
    • King bed
    • 4 F
    1. 1 queen bed: 1.8m*2m

    Описание отеля

    Почтовый индекс:510630   Здание построено в:2007   Год последнего ремонта в отеле:2016   Количество номеров:96   Коммерческий район:Tianhe Stadium and Guangzhou East Railway Station
    Paco Hotel Guangzhou Gangding Metro Branch, Он расположен в районе тяньхэ в городе гуанчжоу, рядом с спортивным центром тяньхэ, площадью чжэньхэ, универмагом тяньхэ, Пасифик - Сити, у входа в метро на крыше вокзала, примерно 15 минут езды от международного Выставочного центра Арчи, удобное сообщение.
    это чисто деловая гостиница, сконструированная и построенная по высоким стандартам звезды.в отеле есть все удобства, все удобства.
    в отеле есть частные коммерческие центры, экзотические кафе, оздоровительный центр отдыха, шахматный чай, парковка и другие объекты, чтобы предоставить клиентам полноценное питание, ночлег, отдых и связь.отель всегда предоставляет теплое и тщательное обслуживание уважаемым гостям, с нетерпением ожидает вашего приезда.

    Удобства и услуги

    Цена завтрака: CNY48($6.6) / шт
    Тип завтрака: Шведский стол (Европейский, Китайский, Американский)
    заезда: с 14:00      отъезда: до 12:00
    Удобства и услуги
    Бесплатная парковка Сейф для предметов на стойке регистрации Кафе Ресторан западной кухни лобби лифт Обогрев зона для курения ресторан Этаж для некурящих Зона отдыха для неработающих гостей Видеонаблюдение в общественных местах Общественная звуковая система Галерея подарков Wi-Fi в общественных местах (бесплатно) Не курить в общественных местах Вестибюльская газета Карта туристического движения Система свежего воздуха Охранник
    Услуга по доставке автомобилей услуги прачечной Бизнес центр Почтовая служба Посыльный на полную ставку Хранилище багажа Утренний звонок служба доставки услуги дворецкого 24-часовой менеджер лобби Расчетная услуга по кредитной карте Услуги прачечной доставки Швейцар на полную ставку Экспресс-регистрация заезда и выезда 24-часовой китайский сервис Круглосуточная стойка регистрации Одноразовая касса Факс / копирование (бесплатно)
    Удобства в номере
    Утюг / гладильная машина для одежды Аптечка первой помощи Детские тапочки увлажнитель Очиститель воды
    Спорт и отдых
    • Наличный

    часто задаваемые вопросы об Paco Hotel Guangzhou Gangding Metro Branch

    Гол:4.2/ из 5.0
    The location is good. It's quiet in the city center and downtown. The facilities in the room are old
    [Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
    The environment is very good, but there are no windows. It's still worth it
    [Stay in Standard Twin Room (No window)]
    The hotel has superior location, convenient transportation, quiet in the middle of trouble, clean rooms and warm layout. Compared with hotels of the same grade, it has high cost performance. Due to its good geographical location, it is convenient to go to major scenic spots. I stayed one more night. I went on a night tour of the Pearl River and made the South China Sea God to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Pearl River.
    [Stay in Special Promotion (No window)]
    It's quiet and comfortable. To live in Guangzhou BOGAO has always been the first choice!
    [Stay in Standard Queen Room (No window)]
    Breakfast is a simple set meal provided by the cooperative Cafe next door. It's my first time to meet you
    [Stay in Executive Queen Room]
    The environment is OK, the table and stool have a little wine, the geographical location is OK!
    [Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
    For leaders
    [Stay in Deluxe Queen Room]
    The location is pretty good
    [Stay in Special Promotion (No window)]
    Very good
    [Stay in Standard Queen Room (No window)]
    The location is good, but the facilities are average, the rooms are small, and the underground parking lot is poor
    [Stay in Standard Queen Room (No window)]


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