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79F ~ 102F
Cloudy To Sunny
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Shangcai Baigui 15 km east of the temple area, there is an octagonal pavilion stands on top of the octagonal high-profile, set off in several strains of Cooperstown, and that this is a long history of Fu Xi Gua painting booths.
Yong Qing Emperor Kangxi Pavilion this title inscriptions "Fu Xi Achillea Taiwan." Legend of Fu Xi set the world Luck, after making gossip has used yarrow in this table and sort out divining stalks burning shells Gua, Achillea grass under the Health Pavilion, the first correction if the dragon, phoenix tail if he thinks here yarrow and tortoiseshell the most spirit. The creation of Chinese civilization gossip far-reaching. It is for the Chinese astronomers. Ancient writers, mathematics, philosophy, botany, calendar, etc. laid the foundation for the emergence and development, is the source of Chinese culture.


Located 30 km east Shangcai Cai Gang.