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Zhoukou City, Henan Province is located in this key city 17 kilometers southeast of town at the mouth of Wang Ming Yuan Zhaicun. Here is where Yuan hours of life, there are currently six younger brother Yuan Kai Yuan Yuan Shitong the Chongsun Nv Shu live. Since 2005, the term urban rehabilitation of the municipal government invested 65 million Yuan heavily in the former residence will be developed as a tourist scenic spot.

An area of 270 acres of old home, built in the Ming and Qing character and traditional style with all kinds of building 248, is surrounded by 1,800 meters long10 how high Zhaiqiang, six towers and three moat. Old home system as a whole, East and west axis of the layout, Eastern and Western, three deep courtyard, and quiet courtyards connected music to form a complete and unique style buildings.
Building from the traditional brick, wood, lime and other building materials composition reflects the ancient Chinese architectural features. The top ridge of the Housing Department, there are lion, tiger, leopard, horse, monkey, brick, tall corner cornice, decorated with dragon beast sharp, pointing the sky, magnificent.

In East and West School:
East house to Yuan Yuan';s father, Paul in the stone house on the site of construction, the residentialPoints before, during and after the three big occasion. The middle of the hall the front yard, both sides of the rooms. There east wing in the hospital floor, West Wing House, the middle three lumbar floor. Yuan was born in the waist floor two. Backyard East, West Wing Building of the three, Church House,, the total area of 2.800 square meters of people. Yuan was born in the back floor of existing three well-preserved.

West, houses to build and Yuan Yuan Shitong six brothers living 3,040 square meters. Five existing church building, three rooms of the hall and the East, West wing six.