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Xishuangbanna Weather

75F ~ 91F
Moderate Rain To Showers
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Man shoots, also known as dragon pagoda tower, white tower, is located in Jinghong City, Dragon Man Meng Longxiang top of the hill behind the stockade, 70 km from Jinghong City, 3 km from the large Meng Dragon Town.

Towers by the size of the nine towers, white tower, white tower because of its white and enjoy the name, the golden spire, like Yu-Sun first emerged, so have bamboo tower said. Tower for the masonry structure, built in five or six years Dai Li (1024), Dai "Tower waxy Zhuang Dragon", which means the bulk of the tower shoots, the Department of Hinayana Buddhist architecture. Middle main tower, 16.29 meters-high, 8.6 meters in diameter trays, 8 points out a small octagonal tower, 9.1 meters-high, There shrines under the seat, which for the Buddha. During the annual Water Festival, Dragon Man Dai stockade before the masses gathered in the tower, chasing splashing water, Dai Li to celebrate the New Year.

3.5 kilometers of white South Tarim also has an urn (also known as the Black Tower, Bulang Ta), Meng from the large walk 500 meters to the Dragon Town.


Take a bus terminal in Jinghong Damenglong the bus, the fare of 11 yuan.

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Man dragon pagoda 5 yuan tickets, The Dark Tower no tickets.