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Located 25 kilometers north of Xinzhou, Xinzhou North is a portal back in the Han Dynasty, this is an important military defense base. Xinkou battle sites are: Xinkou Battle Monument, combat readiness, cave, Hao general command post and the Japanese had made the monument and other evidence.

Xinkou Battle Monument: In Xinkou 1 miles north of the village side of the road, combat readiness before the cave in 1986, Li Xinzhou city government. SteleThe Letter; "provincial key cultural relics protection units."
Readiness cave: after the Xinkou ditch to the north of the village of Redcliffe Bay, 1935 before the outbreak of war, 11 million yuan of money, Build 47 holes into the cave. Cave width of 3 meters per hole, about 4 meters high, about 20 meters deep. Cement stone structure. Portal if the gate-like, above the doorway, a stone pile, stack under the "Article X," the words of the horizontal tablet. Xinkou during the Battle of the Chinese armed forces take advantage of these caves, command operations, store arms, placed the wounded, hiddenHorses, played a significant role.
Hao general command post: the old general';s command post Hao Meng. Xinkou campaign began, the Front headquarters in Xinkou number nine after the ditch cave combat readiness, the commander and Ninth Army commander, General Ling Hao Meng was here directing operations. October 15 night, accompanied by Hao 54 Division of General Liu Qi from here and went to the forward command operations, with the heroic martyrdom in the battlefield.

Xinkou battle: In 1937, the Japanese large-scaleInvasion of China in the "stop the civil war, united," the thought, the two parties to establish a united front. October 1937, in order to resist the Japanese forces along the North Tongpu south, the two parties fought a bloody war, 23 days more than two people to destroy the enemy, and achieved a great victory against the Japanese.