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Xinyang Weather

77F ~ 95F
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Xinyang City in Henan Province, District, East Lake Office Shihe Yin Village, 10 km from the city. 600 meters above sea level, more than 90% forest cover.

Yin Yin Shan, a hidden mountain, Sage, referring to the Han Zhou pan. Pan Zibo Zhou Jian, after the Han An adult, paid respects to those held when Dili, moved to overlap so that the summer sun. After weeks of Pan remembering his mother because of the motivation to become an official, then resign to return home, hermit in this, named Yin-hidden mountain.
& Nbsp; Yin Ling pines is one of the famous ancient Xinyang, the predecessors of "Yin Ling pines" is praised: "Xixian high hiding, leaving Ling Tan quiet. pine smoke-speed look closely, the wind turned Tsui To flow. Vatican among many pagoda in a temple, love to sit at least Lin Qiu. suspected Penglai environment, applications for the victory tour the South. "

The Yin-Ling down, fill the fields are pine, commonly known as flat-topped pine, towering straight trunk is not straight, but gnarled and twisted stricken, mix. Light breeze, waves everywhere, and very enjoyable. Jiaqing Yu Kwong Road between South Taoyin Alexa LamYu Yin Shan inscribed "Yin Ling pines," the word, stone erected a monument in Xian, Shandong into the mountains at the Heights. Hidden mountain Yin Yin Temple, Yin hidden holes, deer streams, Bristol milk spring, fairy bed, wife';s father and other stone monuments.