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66F ~ 77F
Overcast To Sunny
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     Lingyan Mountain, it is situated in the suburban area of Mudu. With a height of 182 meters (about 597 feet), this mountain covers about 124 hectares (about 306 acres). Because it looks like an elephant in the distance, it is named Xiang Mountain (Elephant Mountain). It is also called Yan Mountain (Inkstone Mountain) for many stones in the mountain could be made into inkstones. The small path up to the top of the peak is constructed with rocks. Along the path, there are over 18 different scenes such as an elaborate pavilion, old pine trees, ancient temple, or a spectacular sunset. Remarkable rocks with special shapes like an old man, a turtle or other animals are situated here and there on the mountain.
     On the top of the Lingyan Mountain, is the majestic Lingyan Temple. Built in 503, this temple was originally named Xinfeng Temple. The large vivid and life-like josses make this temple much more magnificent. In the eastern part of the temple, there is the Lingyan Pagoda, also named the Duobao Pagoda which was also built in 503. With a height of about 34 meters (about 112 feet), this simple but dignified seven-storied pagoda has become the symbol of Lingyan Mountain.