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Shangrao Weather

70F ~ 77F
Moderate Rain To Heavy Rain
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Shangrao City is located in the Shinshu area south of the golden mountains of Xinjiang River, Old College, one of the four Department of Jiangxi. Chong was built thirty-three years Kangxi (1694), formerly known Qujiang College, the fifty-year reign of Emperor Kangxi (1712) expanded and renamed as "Chung Ling High School talk about." Eight years of Qianlong (1743) construction of buildings in the mountain to worship Xi, renamed "Ziyang Academy", to Qianlong six years (1781), came to be called "Trust River College."

Hospital Bayview trees, stands the four corners of the stage Chung Ling Kuixing Court richly ornamented style cornices, window flower green tiles, antique. Teng Kok River overlooking the letter, much the Air Mountain, givesA better enjoyment.

In the Chung Ling stage, surviving a spring pavilion, a couch Xuan, evening show booths, Nisshin Random House and other historic buildings. Although church music is also destroyed, but the front is stone, rockery is still intact.