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Shanghai Weather

66F ~ 77F
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Shanghai was the oldest building, and built in TangDaZhong 13 years (859). The Tang JingZhuang is a total of 21 level and 9.3 meters tall. A body of the Zhuang, was engraved with the Buddha and wins the top of Ronnie full text with a signature. At all levels of the rest, such as "waist, and some parts of canopy, carving delicate, having water lines, treasure in the lotus, orb, cirrus, alex, king, bodhisattva, GongYangRen and panlong, squat down lion, etc. The whole building was tall and beautiful, carving delicate, line XiLian mellow. People that are full of flowers beast sense, and has the style of Tang Dynasty, was called "national key units of cultural relics protection".

Address: Inside the primary school in Zhongshan East Road Soangjiang District

Tel: 021-57822157 (make an appointment in adcance and for fee)