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Shanghai Community Church is located at Hengshan Road in southwestern Shanghai. It is the largest Christian church in Shanghai.

Some American immigrants established a church at Donghu Road in 1920. At first, most Christians that worshiped here were Americans. In 1923, immigrants from differentcountries in Shanghai raised funds and began the construction of a new church at Hensan Road. It was finished in 1925 and called Shanghai Community Church. Christians of different denominational divisions of Christianity worshiped here thereafter. It imitated English style and was constructed with red bricks. The door of the church faces the north, and the interior is quadrate. It has corridors, aisles and a pointed vault. The roof of the church is a scissors-shaped timberwork; the ice-crackle-like glass is embedded in arc windows. Originally Shanghai Community Church was the dedicated church for immigrants, later some Chinese Christians with high social status worshiped here, especially during the Anti-Japanese War when Chinese priests presided over the services. After 1949, the services were completely taken charge by Chinese priests.