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Sanming Weather

64F ~ 77F
Overcast To Light Rain
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Lingyin Stone Forest, Sanming. Dahu Town, which is about 13 kilometers northwest of Yong'an city.The scenic area is a state-level tourist spot.The total area of Linying Stone Forest is 1.85 square kilometres , comprised by several scenic spots as Linying Stone Forest, Hongyunshan Stone Forest and Eighteen Caves and so o­n, which are featured by their more than 400 stone sprouts, awls, posts and shoots, with the highest o­ne in 36 meters. It is called "the second stone-forest in Huadong Area". With strange stones, cliffs, elf caves and an ancient path, it characterizes quietness, glamouresness, wonderfulness and arduousness. There are about 50 scenic spots , for example, Sanding rock, Wangtian star, Bajiezhaojing, Jieshun peak, Heixionghuxhun, Shiguitangdong, Kiss stone, Lingyin book room.  Sanming belongs to low mountainous and hilly area, as well as river valleys. The main land of the city can be divided into several types, including fluvial landform, Danxia landform, karst landform and some other trivial landforms. Having a subtropical humid maritime climate, Sanming has abundant rainfall and moderate climate. It is affected greatly by maritime monsoon. Its rainy season may last from March to September, and October to February is the dry season. The average temperature of a year is about 17-19C(63-66F).The city is favorable for visiting all the year round.

On o­ne hand the name Linying (lin means scale; ying means hiding) derives from the scale-like appearance of stone sprouts, while o­n the other hand, it is because that Linying's landform is deep concave and covered by the flourishing plants that kept it from being discovered until Yongzhen period of Qing Dynasty when it was found and constructed. Walking through the Stone Forest, visitors marvel at the natural stone masterpieces and are bewitched by the intricate formations. The magnificent, strange and steep landscape creates countless labyrinthine vistas,all of which feature stones in various formations. Animals, plants, and even human figures can be found here. Some are elegant, some are rugged, and each is lifelike with its own distinguishing characteristics.Linyin Stone Forest covers an area of 1.21 square kilometers and represents a typical Karst landscape.This area is unique because there are numerous underground caves beneath the fantastic stone forest. There are over 400 stone peaks, columns, and stalagmites and the tallest is over 36 meters and all take o­n different forms: They look like animals (pig, monkey, bear, turtle, etc.), people and many other things. here we can also find the site of the Linyin college, an ancient institution of learning.The three most typical sights of Linying Stone Forest are 1) Stone Forest above the ground while Water-eroded Caves underground; 2) Magic stones standing like human, animals or other objects showing various poses; 3) Rich plant resources like the natural garden.

Admission:50 yuan per person
1.the transportation is not very convenient because there are not special cars to the stone forest. You can choose the taxi, the fare is about 40 yuan.
2.In order to be relax o­n the road, please prepare a suit of clothing and shoes for travel. And don't forget carry the rain boots and parasol. As to the old men, please take your walking stick. Put the heavy things at the bottom of the baggage package, and the light o­nes o­n the above.