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Qingyuan, Guangdong Weather

75F ~ 86F
Moderate Rain To Showers
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Located in Chengjia town near Qingyuan city, the Guangdong First Peak Virgin Forest scenic area is 220km from downtown Guangzhou and covers an area of about 138 square kilometers. Within this area, Shikengkong, at 1,902 meters above the sea level, is the highest peak in Guangdong and is known as the "Himalaya of Guangdong" and the "Roof of Guangdong".

This subtropical scenic area is home to more than two thousand plant species, and boasts the largest virgin forest in Guangdong. The vast luxuriant forest with towering ancient trees, exotic flowers, rare herbs and endangered birds and animals are a feast for the eyes. The fresh air with its high content of negative oxygen ions (known for their purifying properties) is a favorite among tourists. At Tianquan Waterfall, the content of negative ions in the air is above 40,000 ions/cm3 on average, with recordings as high as 105,700 ion/cm3, the highest in the province. For this reason the area has been dubbed the "Holy Land of Negative Ions". One of the top seven natural reserves in Guangdong, the Nanling Natural Forest Park, established with the approval of the Central Government, is the best-preserved and largest subtropical virgin forest in Guangdong, and is a provincial reserve for rare wild animals.

Yangshan - Day Spring vacation car (ticket for: 10 yuan person; the departure time:  6:30 a.m.-17:30pm, every 40 minutes ) to arrive at the Day Springs Resort
Season Ticket: CNY90
Day Spring Waterfall: CNY38