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81F ~ 102F
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Bianliang city located in Tokyo (now Kaifeng), the water gardens are all building construction, the pool can pass the ship, the military training ground during the war for water. Zhang Zeduan of "Jinming Chi plotting war" is depicted Jinming Chi military exercises in the water scene.

"Jinming Chi plotting war," depicts the concept of the emperor to lead Elegance to Jinming Chi water war, the race of the lively scene. Figure 28.6 cm long, 28.5 cm wide, slightly square. Small screen, around 9 in the pool surface and pool number of shore features full copyDraw it. Focus on description of the pool and around the big dragon boat, combined with static and dynamic way, to sum up all the plots the Jinming Chi fight scenes and the subject of the Emperor watched the scene, the picture compact, structured, a prominent theme.