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In Xunyang River, is a Kurau. Height of 21 meters, covering an area of 1800 square meters, the appearance of the three, it actually has four levels, the overall pattern, Hunpu elegant cornices Qiaojiao, richly ornamented, the extraordinary momentum, which is rebuilding Xunyang Lou, a Font mode architecture, antique look .

The original building is the seat restaurant, built in the Tang, Song rebuilt, after the many times from Rise and Fall. Song floor title the book "Xunyang Lou" in the name passed as written by Su, Su body is now three gold plaque from Zhao';s tip of the brush.

Tips: Shinai in the "Water Margin" narrative, Song Jiang title in Xunyang Lou anti-drunkPoetry, story leads to the scene of trouble Jiangzhou, is wondering quite memorable. Big walls inlaid with large porcelain painting, regain its past a situation, such as robbery downtown Jiangzhou the public execution ground hero, outwitting the military inaction, Li Kui Shun-fighting and other portraits, reproduced at the time of the plot. Exhibition on display will be about one hundred and eight Liangshan porcelain figure statue, look different, vivid, touching read. Decorative layout of the building can be said is "Water Margin" Jiangzhou activities in the core characters and expanded.

CASTLE Pingchuang vertical look, Tao river flow, haze vast, it is refreshing. More "kill your eyes are, Forest Yunshan sky million again and again; hook mess with Yin Soul, Snow turned a river smoke water "feeling.