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Well the waves near the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City, Long Road, West side of the roadway is the first of the historical relics of Jiujiang City, once said that "wave waves well" has become one of the ten ancient Jiujiang.
There is a square wave well above the phase Fontane care, Pavilion wall embedded Bai, Su Che';s poetry on the waves well, kiosks as well with the inscription waves, the waves well wells less than one meter in diameter, well depth of about 15 meters, along the well-head ring rope marks achievements, mottled with moss wall, but still crystal clear spring water bottom can be a mirror, the well-known is that, there are spring and long rumored to bottomJiang interlinked, the "river from the waves, bottom Yang Bo," in essence, called a must, but unfortunately this spot and now no longer.

According to historical records, the Western Han emperor six years (201 BC), famous Guanying built when the city of Jiujiang, Yu House, in, dug a well, because of well water should be moving river waves, called "waves well", but also called "Guan Ying Well", was well submerged track plugs, no longer see, back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Sun Quan in Jiujiang, it is water well drilling, well in the waves just discovered the remains of the "Han Ying Yin Hou six open" The Shihan well Ming, Sun Quan was overjoyed, and ordered the re-opening of that good fortune, thusNamed "Swiss wells."

On "Long waves well," the wonderful phenomenon, existing in two different ways:
Li Bai is represented by a bottom and the Yangtze River that the same, the river from the waves, bottom Yang Bo, Li Bai poem reads: "wave action Guanying well, Xunyang River upper hand."
This is not said another letter to Su Che, represented that the spring on the Bay, only waves, Su Che poem says: "Jiang Bo array floating clouds, shore Bi Li Qing iron. Hu is the well spring, when the surprise surge hair. Waterborne the indefinite may only self-clarity. Who Wa s to make up the earth crack." In the end what is what Africa, still no one in-depth known, unknown. Traffic

Jiujiang city by bus or taxi can be.