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Zhou Yu will be Taiwan in love pond east of the ice Yurun abuts the southeast, north of film companies, is 1020 meters north of the Poyang Lake. Chi square, surrounded by granite embankment, length 48.84 m, width of 34 meters, 3 meters deep, with a total area of 1661.24 square meters. The middle pool, built a side table, granite thorough barrier, built inside the streaky soil, 2.8 meters high, 11.1 meters wide, and standing; an area of 123.21 m, the platform concept lotus pavilion, pavilion square, column from the frame, column bases Lotus Petal.

Top of the Zhong Yan Xie Shanding, Pavilion before and after each one with a pool pools bridge connected Sandun four holes, pier to takeToru stone barrier between piers and the length and width of 1.23 meters, 2.78 meters, after the bridge "and" shaped bridges, 10.55 m long bridge interface width 1.23 m, 2.78 m; Bridge below, each pond the two sides in the side of the summer season, strolling pond, the breeze long, fragrant nose Park, it seems the world into the cool, relaxed and happy.

According to the "stars County" contains the North Song Xining period (1068-1077 years) to know Nam Zhou Jun, Zhao Ting stupid is the time, official corruption, he Responding to Sri Lanka, the military rule in the north of cutting lotus pond species, and for " Reminiscence ", since the Ming. Jun Zhu know Nam Song, rehabilitationPool pavilion, and with the consent Lian xi "Reminiscence" of the ink of this, the book carved in stone, stand kiosks. Chenghua eight years, the construction of kiosks prefect CAO Kai weight on it, Jiajing forty-five years, the prefect Iris Chang, renovating a new water plant lotus engraved "Reminiscence" in the booths.