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Ji'an Weather

77F ~ 88F
Rainstorm To Heavy Rain
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Dragon Island, located 21 kilometers southeast of Ji';an City, covers an area of 120 acres, beautiful clear around Africa Rich River meandering by.

Guzhang towering lush forest, green trees, known as paradise for birds; attractive flat green lawn, winding for leisure rest of the world outside the park; wind Xuri, the waves trough the movie, whitecaps caressing the beach, forming a hydrophilic natural beach.

Dragon Island camp is to provide tents, hammocks, swings, a pavilion ... ..., resting in the care, tea, picnic, barbecue, can also carry out river rafting, archery, beach volleyball, badminton, flying saucer,Fun Football and other sports activities, farm food taste really feel the most natural, most honest country and experiencing the most vivid, most dripping camp trip.


Urban area only a half hour away from the Ji.